18: No ✔️

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Music: Doctor Vox - Frontier

Back With the Sonic Team

"What do you mean Mephiles has Jayde!" this cry came from the purple cat, her fur standing on end in fear for the grey hedgehog. The remaining hedgehogs had run back, Sonic carrying the pink hedgehog as they sprinted as fast as they could to the rest.

Silver nodded sadly, wrapping a few bandages around the blue hero's arm, "Mephiles has taken control of her with negative chaotic energy."

Knuckles gripped the Chaos Emerald in his gloves, watching as the colour gradually start to drain away, "Yeah, and now Mephiles has corrupted one Chaos Emerald the rest will slowly lose their power."

"What a shame." The white bat spoke, staring at the Chaos Emerald in the echidna's hands; such a waste of a precious jewel she could've used.

The red and black hedgehog stared at the baseball in his left hand, his other hand clamped in front of his mouth. It's all my fault. He didn't protect Jayde; he didn't do enough to stop her from turning into that dark being she's now trapped inside. Shadow cared for that hedgehog more than he could say, and now he had failed her. He huffed, burying his face in his palms, "It's my fault." He whispered, but not quiet enough. Each of the surrounding people heard, all of their heads turning to face the sorrowful hedgehog.

Silver creased his eyebrows, looking sadly towards the dark hedgehog. "Shadow, there's nothing you could have done." He spoke quietly. "Mephiles had that Chaos Emerald; you couldn't have stopped him from taking over her body."

Rouge the Bat stared at her GUN partner. He was always so strong, completely fearless. But now, as he slumped in front of the fire, she saw sadness in his orbs, something she's never witnessed in the brave hedgehog. Nothing would stop him, he would always be ready for a fight, but now he looked completely lost without the grey hedgehog beside him.

Amy also noticed his apprehensive look. She knew that Jayde had feelings for the red striped hog, but she never imagined Shadow falling for her too. He was a one-man show, always wanting to be alone, never wanting company. If she was finding it sad that Jayde was taken over by that evil spirit; how was Shadow feeling? The blue hero had never seen this side of Shadow. He looked scared. Not necessarily for himself, but for Jayde. Shadow had always been around that hedgehog since she first met the Sonic Team, and now that she was gone, it's like a piece of him was missing. Tails wrapped some bandages around the pink female, not speaking, but listening. Sometimes you just need to listen to understand.

"We can't sit around moping." Blaze stood beside the red and black hedgehog, placing a hand on his shoulder, "We will turn her back, Shadow." She smiled slightly. She may have been speaking aloud to everyone, trying to persuade them that they will find the Jayde they love, but she was also trying to convince herself. That grey hedgehog had accepted everyone for who they were, even the grump hog in front of her, and she was always smiling - why did she get such a horrid curse in being the Shard's protector?

Meanwhile With Eggman

In the hidden base of Dr Eggman, Raven and Mephiles appeared out of nowhere, startling the evil genius. A small grin plastered on his face as he took in the negative form of the once happy hedgehog, his mind sparking with all the plans he could use her in, "Ah, Jayde! It's a pleasure to meet you in this state." The moustached man spoke, standing to his full height.

"Don't mention that weakling. The name's Raven." She snapped a reply, clenching her fists. Eggman swallowed thickly, not truly understanding what he had unleashed. Raven couldn't stand to be around such feeble people, the only one she could dispatch whom had some kind of strength was the one who turned her; Mephiles.

Eggman cleared his throat before speaking, "I presume you are enjoying this power you have?"

The scowl on Raven's face barely disappeared, but her fists relaxed slightly before responding, "Yes. Mephiles helped to unleash me."

"It was my idea." The Doctor told her. The dark hedgehog's eyes widened partially before recomposing herself.

"And why would you think about doing that? Don't you know I could destroy you without hesitation?" she asked, crossing her arms. In the corner of the room, Orbot and Cubot stood watching the conversation, a slight panic running through their circuits at this fearless female in front of them. They wouldn't dare question the doctor like she was doing.

"As payback for helping with the release of you, I would like you to do something for me." Dr Eggman answered, moving towards his computer.

"And what makes you think I will do what you tell me to?" she asked, a small glare rising in her eyes. No one could tell her what to do.

"Because it's a real killer." This caught her attention. She wanted nothing more than to obliterate this world and rule over it with no one to stop her. "I want to fulfil my ambition to build the Eggman Empire, but a certain blue rat and his rodent friends keep getting in my way."

"You mean Sonic the Hedgehog." Mephiles spoke, hovering in his place, "You know I can annihilate them easily?" he disappeared in black sludge, leaving Raven and the doctor.

"Why do you need me if he's going to put an end to them?" the dark being asked, picking some dirt from the fur on her arm, uninterested.

"You think he'll be able to destroy them? He tried once and failed, and it's highly likely he'll fail again. He's weak without his full power." Eggman huffed, flicking a few switches on his computer before images of the Sonic Team showed up.

Raven chuckled, "Huh, they are weak. I'll have no difficulty obliterating them." She turned to walk out, Eggman grinning at the being he had unleashed behind her. Nothing was going to stop her from killing those creatures; they'd be a piece of cake. After that, she'll destroy the world, creating her own living hell. Nothing and no one would stop her.

Eggman rubbed his hands together, laughing, "Now with that hedgehog about to kill that blue rat I'll be able to take over the world!"

Orbot and Cubot flew from their hiding place, coming to face their creator, "But boss," the red henchman spoke, "What if she turns against you?"

Eggman chuckled, "I have that sorted. Using the Shard's that I will collect, she'll have no chance against this sealed container." The fat, moustached man pressed something before glass circled around the two robots.

"You're planning to get the entire Riot crystal?" Cubot asked, placing his hands against the glass.

"Yes," the doctor spoke, releasing the robots from the container, "After I capture her, I'll extract the negative chaotic energy from her body, using it to power my robots. They will be the most powerful mechanisms I can ever create and no one could stop them!" Eggman let out another evil laugh.

Jayde and the Seven Shards [1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora