29. Closer to Appraisal

Start from the beginning

She bent down to retrieve her fallen calendar book as well as wiping off her tear stains from her face and spectacles while I took my time to turn and meet someone who gave me a repelling impression from the first meet.

There standing leisurely in all his glory was Mr. McCoy. Hands crossed over his chest, body leaning over the glass wall while mouth moving in a circular motion giving him an apt description of a bull in the shelter but no insults for the creature.

"Miss. Interesting, how nice to see you here." He greeted, in his dramatic demeanor.

What an awful progress of the day....



When life gives you problems, you should embrace them. Running and hiding isn't the solution but fighting with strength is.

That's what wise people say.

Perhaps, they never met Mr. McCoy and Miss. Misty Dumbfound together, otherwise they must had the same 'leave them and run for sanity' words for wisdom for us to learn.

Shut up! You don't have to proof your idiocy all the time!

"Miss. Interesting, how nice to see you here." He greeted, in his dramatic demeanor.

I chose to stand shut, taking another round of the surrounding through my eyes for any human with sane brains for intrusion and possible help but praise my luck no one was lurking around.

Now I'm seriously considering asking Sir Gerard if people just work here or sleep in the comfort of their AC cabins and desks.

Miss. Drama, forget about them and concentrate on these two inane yet annoying creatures.

He took small leisure steps toward us, shoving his hands in his vest pockets in the most carefree manner.

"What happened?" he asked once he was standing between, eyeing me with such interest that for moment, I felt myself standing on a gallery display.

The dumbfounded girl flinched at his words taking two steps backward, sweating profusely while all I could do was scowling at her actions.

"Si—Sir th—" she tried to stutter but her efforts went in vain when Mr. McCoy disregarded her completely showering all his attention solely on me.

"Miss. Interesting, may I know how you are feeling?" he asked me, taking a brief inspecting gaze over my body and boiling my heated mind.

But when I cleared the fog of anger and agitation, I found a lucid glimpse of concern in his eyes.

Was it really, or I just imagined it.

Lately, you're imagining too much, dear precious. I guess it's time for you to book a room in mental asylum for yourself. Conscience had to be sarcastic every time.

Dusting away my grudges from the past, I took his words in consideration before nodding, "I'm feeling fine. Thank you." I replied, stretching my lips to form a tight smile.

Pleased by my answer, he nodded; his face dramatically blank but the one with assessing eyes can catch his eyes talking.

"What happened?" he breathed on my face, taking out his hand from his pocket.

My frustration level is rising to another level and soon you'll have a punch on your face if you don't take a willful step back. I thought to answer but then it certainly won't look cordial and professional.

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