Chapter Thirty-Four

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Three long months later, Corinne was standing by the edge of Qoy lake looking down. She slipped off her shoes and decided to test the waters by dipping in her toes. It wasn't too cold.

She sadly sat down on the shoreline, and looked out over the white caps on the water. She watched the water jump. It began to make swirling motions and then spray up like a fountain. Aladarien was so beautiful, but she didn't want to be there anymore.

That afternoon she had been feeling a little pensive and decided to go out to the lake and have some quiet time by herself. Her parents were worried about her. They asked Kael to go along with her, but Corinne was not interested, and said she wanted to be alone. Corinne knew her mother would be concerned but she didn't care.

After the trial, Corinne had spent all of her spare time with Gavin. She was constantly surrounded by people, yet still felt lonely. Gavin tried to cheer her up by taking long walks when he was off duty. Sometimes they would spend the afternoon on horseback rides through the forests. It was nice to spend time with one of her best friends, and it helped take her mind off Calix. Occasionally Maeve would come along as well, and they would spend hours talking.

Corinne threw a rock into the water. She had tried the best she could to deal with her current situation, but nothing anyone did helped. She had started school in Aladarien. She had made friends, but missed Bria deeply. She had even gone on a few dates with some Siri boys her age. She had loved the time she had spent with her family, but she still felt like something was missing and she knew exactly what it was.

I miss him.

Corinne looked out over the water and lay back on her elbows. Her favorite new interest was fishing. She loved being near the dancing water. Gavin would take her out on the lakes about once a week and teach her how to catch fish. She couldn't get over how the water would spray like a fountain. Small droplets of water would playfully dance on the ripples from the boat they were in. The water was really alive.

She heard someone approaching. Gavin flew down and took his familiar shape next to her.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, "she lied.

"Well, go get your bag. There's something I want to show you." He helped her up.


"It's a surprise." Gavin said.

"Okaayy." She raised her eyebrow.

They set out on horseback and rode east for over two hours. Corinne couldn't believe the majestic mountains before her. Misty clouds hung over the tops of the sheer vertical cliffs. Trees and vegetation grew up the sides of the mountains. Waterfalls hung over the vast drop-offs. Large pillars jutted out of the ground, thousands of feet in the air.

Gavin pulled back on his reins. "We're here," he called out.

"What is this place Gavin?"

"Back on Earth you said you wanted to see where I lived. Well, this is it. This is my real home, Wittingston Heights." He said proudly. "The pillars formed underwater millions of years ago and the land was lifted high above the ground as a result of tectonic activity."

"It's so beautiful. I've never seen anything like it." Corinne tilted her head up, trying to see the very tops of the cliffs.

"Well, you haven't seen anything yet." He shifted into a dragon-like bird with a sharp beak and talons the size of her arms. "Hop on."

Corinne hesitated, "You are taking me," she gulped, "up there?"

"Yes. Nothing will happen to you while I'm with you. You have to see it for yourself. Come on!"

She put her hand on the side of his neck and felt the scales down his back. It was incredible. She reached out to feel his feathers. Gavin ducked down so she could sit on his back. She wasn't sure where to put her hands.

"Hold on tight," he said.

Corinne grabbed on to his neck so tight that her knuckles turned white. He jumped up into the air and she screamed in fear and then delight. They soared up through the clouds and around the pillars. Gavin's wings flapped strong and pushed them higher and higher. Corinne looked down to the forest floor below. She could see for miles. The ocean was east of them, her kingdom was behind them and she could see the Verdane Flatts in the far off distance.

She yelled, "This is amazing Gavin. You are amazing."

He let out a screech and dipped. They started gliding in and out of the pillars. He flew her past an enormous waterfall and Corinne felt the water splash onto her. She put her arms outstretched like a bird and tipped her head back and closed her eyes. She never wanted to forget this moment with her best friend, experiencing life to the fullest.

Gavin flew her around for a few more minutes and then softly landed on the top of the tallest cliff in the mountain range. Corinne slid off the side of his back. He changed himself back to his human form and walked her to the edge of the cliff to sit down and admire the beauty before them. He laid out a blanket he had brought with them and they sat and ate a picnic on top of their world.

"You can see all of Aladarien from here. This is my sanctuary Corinne. My place I come to think about things; the place that helps me feel at peace." He finished the rest of his sandwich. "Do you see the oceanic waterfall over there?" He pointed over to the ocean. An underground waterfall was visible from where they were. Strong undercurrents drove the sands from the shores into the aqua abyss below.

"Why would you ever leave this place Gavin? It is the prettiest place I've ever seen in my life."

"You were the only reason I left." He reached over and grabbed her hand, entwining his fingers with hers.

"Thank you for bringing me here Gavin."

Corinne leaned her head on his shoulder and finally felt the happiness that had been absent for so long.


Okay guys- what did you think of Gavin's home. Pretty awesome right? Also, wouldn't that be the funnest thing ever to ride up to the sky and see his point of view?

Also, now who's team are you? Team Calix or Team Gavin?

I appreciate all of your reads and votes. Thank you so much for reading this far.

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