The Talk: Liam

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Liam is going first because he has the most to say

I tell Zayn I'm going to go put on some pants and call the boys down myself while I'm up there. I suggest that the both of them should go to the living room and wait until we get there. I hear Zayn laughing as him and Niall walk to living room. I wonder what that was about. Zayn is obviously supportive of Harry and Louis, so he can't be making fun of us can he? Is Niall saying I'm a bad kisser? What is happening to me? I need to just go put on pants and get Harry and Louis.

I walk into my room. I thought I was just going to throw on some clothes, but I throw myself on the bed and stare at the ceiling. Did that really just happen? Am I in love with the guy  that is so sensitive and gentle? Can I love him and can we do this without him getting hurt? Now I want to cry, can I really do this and not hurt him? If I hurt him I would be just like all the other people the group has tried to protect him from. The crazy fan girls, the people who don't support us, the ones who call him unattractive. I feel like I'm just making excuses to run away because I'm scared.

We're all just young guys, I still think that even with all the fame the thing we all have to fear the most is love. Especially now that we're in the limelight. Will we ever know if it's for the right reasons? Now more than ever we have to worry about where the feelings people have are coming from. Is it the money? the fame? publicity? However, this is Niall, he's in the same boat I'm in. Now it's not where those feelings come from, but am I ok with them surfacing, can we make this work? Love is scary. Love is the most frightening thing in the world. In one moment, with one kiss, he managed to turn my complete world upside down. I can't imagine what would happen if we were to move forward.  The label would try to hide us, we can't be the future husbands of millions of female fans if we're gay and with each other. 

There's so many things to worry about and I don't think now is the right time to worry about it. Nothing has happened outside of this kiss, yet I can't stop replaying it over in my head and trying to count down until the next moment we can be alone together. 

I need to put these pants on. I need to get the boys. I dig around the room, find a pair of sweatpants and keep it moving. I knock on Harry's door, but there's no answer. Yet, I hear fumbling, is that coming from Louie's room? I go over to knock, but the door flies open and suddenly Louis is right in front of me.

I'm a little surprised when he almost yells "Hi Liam! Just sitting here doing nothing, what can we, I, help you with?"

Sensing his tension I look him in the face and try to see if he'll calm down any.

"Is Harry in there?"

I see the alarm cover is face and just say

"I already know Louis, it's fine"

I can tell the shock is hitting him hard as he comes to understand what I'm saying. Then comes relief as he opens the door more and yells to Harry

"All the guys know now"

I see Harry come up and walk to the door, he looks terrified as he asks me "You guys aren't mad at us are you"

I quickly respond "No, of course not, but I need to talk to the both of you downstairs. We need to figure something out"

The both look at me confused, but I just walk away and head towards the stairs. I'm about to step down, but I hear Niall and freeze; I know he'll stop as soon as he hears someone.

"Zayn, I'm sorry I never told you. I didn't know who to tell. I never wanted anything to be awkward between me and the lads. How exactly do you walk up to a group of your best mates and just tell them all that you're in love with one of them?"

"You didn't have to, I understand. Harry and Louis felt the same way. There were relieved when I found out though. I'm sure you feel the same way. No one is going to judge you, we'll always love you. We'll make it through anything Nialler."

"You never really know the things you can convince yourself of in your head. I just didn't want to be responsible for the downfall of the group, but I love him."

"You love him?"


I feel like my heart is tearing out of my chest to go run to him. Then I hear Harry and Louis behind me and start down the stairs slowly. I'm still trying to cooperate. I was walking so slow I held up Louie and Harry going down the stairs and we make it to the couch all at the same time.

Zayn looks up and says "Vas Happenin'" in his usual voice. I think that Louie and Harry still feel the tension even with the humour. 

I look around to gather my wits, shoot a look to Niall, take a deep breath and start the conversation.

"Today Zayn came downstairs to find Niall and I on the floor of the kitchen kissing"

"Kissing?! You guys were basically swallowing each other!" Zayn replies enthusiastically. I look at him with a glare to shut him up, but I already see the smiles on Harry and Louis's faces. Harry of course decides to be the mouth piece.

"Seriously? Zayn what is up with you? Are you sure you're not gay because you've been viewing a lot of action in this house. Go find yourself a girlfriend and stop ruining our moments"

We all laugh, but I look at Niall and I see that he's still troubled. I move over to him and grab his hand. It's such a casual gesture, but it feels like the world to me. I guess this gives him the strength to talk, I see him get teary eyed before he starts.

" I was so worried that all of you were going to be so mad at me for ruining this. I've had feelings for Liam since X factor and all these years I've been worried that maybe you all were seeing that I loved him. I didn't want you to hate me. I still don't want you to hate me. I just want to know that even though this happened that we will all be ok" He chokes back a sob and continues on, " I don't want to ruin everything. I want everyone to be happy. Harry and Louis, I'm so sorry that you felt like you needed to hide it. I would accept anything as long as it made you happy. I love you guys and I'm glad that you have each other"

Everyone hates to see him cry, but I'm the closest, so I just pull him in while everyone gathers around telling him that it will be alright. I think this is enough for now, but I pull his head towards mine, and give him a kiss on the lips. Then I whisper into his ears,

"You're perfect Niall and I don't want you to ever feel different. I, I, I love you."

One Day Love Will Be True: A Niam Love StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant