Pushing Forward: Liam

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     I've been staring at him from the top of the steps. I don't want to go down yet because I'm just enjoying the view. Wow, have a really gotten to the point where I think he's cute no matter what he's doing? I had stopped by his room. I normally do in the morning, but I don't know why. It's not like one day I'm going to have the balls to walk in there and jump in bed with him.  Niall is in his boxers and a shirt. He's not like Harry who just runs around naked all day, although I wouldn't mind. Well I guess I should go down the stairs. It would be awkward if he looked up just to see me staring at him.

   While I'm walking down the stairs, I'm thinking about how I'm starting to notice how Niall feels about me. I don't think that he knows, but I do. I know because I can't tell whether or not the love I see in his eyes is how he feels or just a reflection of my own feelings. After X factor, I wanted to drag him back stage and just hug him. It was a hard night for us all, but during those last couple of performances I realized how important Niall actually was to me. He's the little Irish man of the group, but I want him to be my little Irish man & mine alone. My thought process breaks when I find him staring at me. I know it might sound weird, especially since he doesn't know that I feel the same way, but it's comforting to know he thinks I'm hot. Maybe a little good flirting could come out of this. 

"Um, Niall, do I have something on me mate?" 

The look on his face is priceless as he replies "What?"

"You're staring at my chest"

"Oh! No! Sorry, I was just staring into the distance, didn't realize you had come into my view"

"It's ok Niall" 

It's ok that you find me attractive. I find you attractive too. I wish we slept in the same bed together every night. I wish I could touch you every time I wanted to. It's ok that you want me. However, I can't tell you all that.

He asks me "What's ok?" and I realize I wasn't prepared for a question back, so I just threw out the first straight sounding thing that came to my mind.

"You obviously being jealous of my abs, it's fine, yours look good too" 

Then I felt like an ass. I know that Niall thinks he's the least attractive of us all and I made a joke about his body. It's really just flirting. Damn, what's the matter with me. I can't even flirt with one of my best mates right. I better just laugh. Hopefully he'll just let me leave them room, but he doesn't.



"Would you like a sandwich? You know, someone who likes to eat as much as I do, that I make a good sandwhich"

"Sure, I'll get the bread" I offer to get the bread. Maybe offer a better view. I love the fact that he loves my body. Does he love my body? I'd assume so. I feel his eyes on my back and it makes me heat up and blush. I'm not even looking at him in the eyes and he has this way of melting me into his hands. The worse part is that he's not even trying. Can you imagine if he was? Ugh.

  He was apparently as caught up in me as I wanted him to be; seeing as he just moved towards the fridge once he realized I was moving. We're going to collide if he doesn't slow down. A huge part of me really doesn't mind slamming into his body just to grab some meat out the fridge. In fact, any excuse to touch him would be grand. The impact was more poewrful than I could have ever expected and in more ways the one. It kind of hurt since I was on the bottom and he landed on top of me, but everywhere he was touching felt like it was on fire. It wasn't painful, just this sensation that felt so fantastic that I never wanted to move. I saw the look in Niall's eyes. Those eyes that are looking right into mine, so confused, so innocent. I need to touch him and I do. I run my hands over his cheeks and brush right through his hair. I've been romantically involved with people before, but it never felt like this. I need to kiss him. I need to know what his lips feel like and how they move with mine. We're sprawled on the kitchen floor and anyone can find us, but I move in and the moment I stop to hesitate is the moment when his lips crash with mine. 

I have never felt anything so spectacular. Niall is changing my life. 


Would you guys like to get both POV in one chapter or do you like it with two separate chapters for their different views? Please Answer. Let me know you're reading.

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