Sparking Fire

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Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. The man of my dreams, my best mate, is currently kissing me. Why am I thinking? This is so hot, I'm fighting the urge to get hard. I don't understand what's happening right now. The first few kisses were awkward. I'm pretty sure I taste like bread and meat and Liam he's just delicious. After a few pecks we allowed each other entry to our mouths. It was the greatest feeling in the world. I'd never felt this way in the world. I break the kiss ot see his eyes still closed. I nibble on his neck. A place I've bitten before with a much different intent and then go down further to kiss his chest, but I want his lips again. When I'm back up to his face his eyes are wide open and I know that the lust I see in his eyes are reflected in mine. This is more than lust though, it's kissing Liam. The boy who I'm sure was made just for me. I go back to his lips. My thoughts off in the clouds when I hear a loud fuck in the kitchen. It's Zayn. 

"Holy shit, am I the only straight one in this band?"

Liam and I start to gather ourselves and get off the floor when we realize what he's suggesting. Louie and Harry too? 

"What do you mean you're the only straight one?"

"Well I guess you guys have been so caught up in your own love story you've barely notice the way Louis and Harry are with each other. They sleep in the same room now! They were afraid you would judge them and told me not to tell. I walked in on them too, just in a more, naked position."

Naked, Liam naked. I can feel myself run my tongue over my lips, the thought just seems so fantastic. Then Liam comes to his senses. I guess he has some questions.

"Louis and Harry since when?"

"Since about a year ago mate. Where have you been that you haven't noticed?"

"I just thought we were all so close it was a kind of joking relationship. I guess we should all have a little discussion."

There goes Liam, being daddy direction again. I just want him underneath me. I'm never going to forget that kiss in my life. I hope he feels the same.


Okay folk, I'm not writing again until I get some response! I'm writing this for you guys, so I want to hear what you like or don't like! It's easy for me to knock off these chapters. Just let me know

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