Chapter Twenty-four

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I stared at Emma, still in shock. I cradled her in my arms and wished this was all a dream.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and the joyful voice of Alya sounded. I sighed and heaved myself up from the floor.

The door burst open as I clicked the open the lock and I was swept up in a hug.

"Hey, Alya." I say shakily.

"Hey! I can't wait to get dress shopping, the triplets are under daddy daycare until we get back, I need a detoxing dress shop!" She grinned.

"Oh, dress shopping, of course-" I felt a little overwhelmed and reached for the support of a wall.

After that I think I fell asleep standing up or something. I felt so tired in a instant.

I began dreaming of Emma. She was sleeping in my arms, then the next minute she was laughing again and almost making words. I looked up and saw her running across the floor and leaping up to me on her weak legs. I gasped and screamed-

"Marinette? Hello? Adrien is getting help now, don't panic!"

I was going in hospital again? Why was I always ending up in there?

I shook my head and forced myself out of the dizzy blur of strange sleep.

"No... Please don't make me go there!" I gasp, feeling sobs fall over me, my hormones were getting the better of me.

Adrien appeared and carefully pulled me up onto the sofa. He rocked me gently and whispered into my ear that we were not going to the hospital.

"I really feel that you have not been yourself. You seem alright but you have your moments and I think you need to get an appointment one way or another. But your ok now, just relax."

Adrien let me fall asleep in his arms.


"Right, yes, that's perfect. See you then, 10:30. Bye."

I put down the phone and sigh.

"There, I arranged an appointment. Happy now?" I say with a little smirk.

Adrien came up from behind me and hugged my shoulders.

"Good. Now, go and have a bit of free time, Alya's waiting and if you don't hurry she will put me in a dress! And like you said, pink really isn't my colour." Adrien laughed to himself and handed me my coat.

I smiled greatefully and waved goodbye from the back seat of the taxi with Alya.

My coat pocket bulged, which was unusual as the only person who stores their possessions in their pockets are Adrien and sometimes my dad, but my curiosity sent me to find a screwed up bit of paper.

It read:

To Marinette,

I hope you are well, I am enjoying watching your charades with my Emma. You better keep her safe, it only takes one turn for her to be in my arms.

Your beloved Father-in-law.

P.S. Did my wedding invite get lost in the post?

"Marinette? You look like you might faint again. What is that?" Alya questioned, reaching for the note.

I crammed it into my pocket again.

"Oh, I just feel a little nauseous, that's all." I reply.

The taxi pulled over by a service station where I ran to the toilet to make it look as if I was about to vomit, but really I just wanted to flush the note away.

I stood there in the toilet cubicle tearing up the note until Alya came and called my name.

"Are you sure you are ok?"

I sniffed and flushed the toilet, unlocked the cubicle door and washed my hands and mouth out.

"Don't worry. Those dresses won't try on themselves!" I smile.

My smile felt like a stiff mask that I relied on to cover my emotions like a blanket.

I couldn't wait to get home.

I want these updates to come quicker than they are, but I'm trying to make them as interesting as possible. I don't want to give you half hearted chapters so they are taking longer.🙁

Thank you for reminding me to update though and I will do my best to keep Adrienette Adulthood going with good chapters and faster updates.😄

Thanks again for your hilarious comments😂😂and support!

-K x

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