Chapter One

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I sighed at the envelope on my vanity table, it was addressed to me and Adrien, but I felt nervous to open it. I desperatly hoped it wasn't the results back from my hospital tests, I had been panicking about them for days now. Adrien walked into the room.
"Should I open it?" I ask slowly.

Adrien walked over to me a rested his hands on my shoulders.
"You'll have to at some point, Mari."
I nodded and gave into the temptation. Tearing apart the envelope, I found a blue card with writing I instantly knew.

"Its from Alaya-" I begin to say whilst skimming the words on the page, but I gasped and felt my lips break into a huge smile.
"Alaya is pregnant with a baby boy!" I squeal and jump into Adrien's arms in excitment.
"Thats fantastic!" Adrien replied, I passed him the card, then he frowned. "Marinette, this card is three months late, see? When did we get it?"

I was shocked, it only arrived this morning... I told Adrien this and he fumbled around in his pocket until he brought out his Iphone S18(I wouldnt be suprised if this was invented by then!! ) He tapped in Nino's number.

It rung for a moment, then a picture appeared on the screen.
"Adrien, hey! Whats up buddy? We haven't heard from you for so long, I mean, Alaya was pretty upset when you didnt ring straight after you got the card, you got it, right?"

"What? We got the card. This morning." Adrien walked over to me.

There was a long pause and some murmering. Suddenly Alaya appeared on the screen.

"Hey, you two. You know were in Miami, I hope!"

I nod in reply, knowing she could see me.

"Alaya, how far along are you?" I ask.

She repositioned the screen to reveal her straining stomach.

"Woah, you look about 11 months!" Adrien commented. I shoved him.

"Alaya is not an elephant!" I scowled.

"Ok, well I am pretty big. I guess thats the consequence of having triplets. Im only six months."

I congratulated her and finsished our chat after twenty minutes. I sighed, feeling useless, and maternal at that thought. Adrien hugged me, seeing the possibilities rush through my eyes, then handed me a package.

It had the hospital reference address on it.

I breathed in, tore it open, then breathed out. I was going to be ok. The results came out negative. Symptoms, nausia, headaches, cramp.

"Mari, is it ok?"

I nod and feel a rush of releif.

"The symptoms are from that medicine they gave me." I added.

Adrien sat next to me. "At least now we know, better to be safe than sorry."

The results were from a test that specialised in womens cancers, I was sent for a check as my grandmother passed away from breast cancer before I was born.

Adrien touched my cheek and delicatly kissed me. I closed my eyes and relaxed.

"I love you."

Hi everyone! I want to clear up that when I started writing this fanfic I didn't know how to spell Alya properly and throughout I have spelt it Alaya.
When she is mentioned in the story I am going to continue to spell it Alaya. A couple people mentioned I spelt her name wrong and I apologize for not changing it.

Thanks for all of your incredible support!
-K  x

Adrienette AdulthoodWhere stories live. Discover now