Chapter Twenty-two

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I pick up Bathtub, the midnight black cat we adopted into our family four months ago.

She had settled right in, and had already made herself at home, with her bed right by the front door, just so she could check who was going in and out.

She purrs and meows happily as I scratch behind her ears.

"How's that, Bathtub?"

She meows again.

"Why did we name her Bathtub again?" Adrien asks, Emma suckled at her bottle he was feeding her, waving her little hands around wildly.

"Ever since she managed to get her tail stuck in the bath plug hole!"

Bathtub hissed but still enjoyed her massage. Adrien began to look around the room and the look of worry appeared again.

"Adrien? Are you ok?"

"Oh, yes. Of course."

I give him that look.

"Well, maybe not, one hundred percent. It's my father. We haven't told him about our second child."

I frown and pat my stomach.

"Tell him when you feel the time is right. I mean, we only told everyone else only a month ago. You still have another five months left."

Adrien nodded.

"We need to see him."

Adrien picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hi, Nathalie. Can you pass onto my dad? Yes, of course I'm his son! Higher security? Well, just get him on the phone."

Adrien clenched up his fists.

"Dad. Hello. Could Marinette and I visit? We have some important news. And I think you ought to make some effort to give some time towards Emma."

There was a short pause.

"Good. See you soon."

Adrien stood up and ran his hand through his blonde hair, the other hand cradled Emma.

"He suggested we get there in an hour."

I nodded and stood up, a little to quickly, I gasped and dashed to the bathroom to vomit. Bathtub wound figure of eights around my legs in a comforting way.

"Maybe you not well enough..."

"No. We must see Gabriel."

It takes about half an hour to get there, so I round up everyone and make sure we all have coats and hats on.

Bathtub counts us to check we are all together, then flops back into her bed.

I ease myself into the passenger seat, Adrien straps Emma into her safety baby seat.

Soon we are roaring down the road, taking the longer, scenic route seeing as we will be early.

Suddenly I hear a meow.

At first I thought it was Emma. Then I turned to see Bathtub slinking in a panther-like way towards me.

"Bathtub!" I gasp.

I grin and popped her on my lap. The car drew up to a huge manor house with dawnting gates and statues of gargoyles looming by the front door.

My smile fades slightly but I try to stay positive for Adrien's sake. I take Bathtub to the boot where we, conveniently, had her travel case.

She reluctantly prowls into it and I quickly slide the latch across to stop her getting out.

"I don't want you to be running loose in the car." I took a cat treat from my bag and rested it on her blanket before shutting the boot and walking over to Adrien.

Emma was fast asleep.

I couldn't do up my coat properly anymore so I used it to hold in front of me instead. We still wanted Gabriel to be surprised.

Adrien walks up the gate and clicks the button on the receiver that was on the white-washed wall.

"Hello, it's Adrien and Marinette, can you let us in?" He asked.

The woman on the other end finally agreed after some persuasion that it was actually Adrien.

We watched the gates slowly open, it reminded me of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, just as those huge gates swing open to reveal a huge factory of chocolate, and Willy Wonka  stands, beaming, to welcome his guests who own the Golden Tickets.

Accept it was Garbriel who stood before us, and he was certainly not beaming. And his chocolate factory was painfully clean and fresh, I wished I could have some chocolate.

"Marinette." Gabriel's voice said flatly.

"Oh, hello." I reply, attempting to sound pleased to see him. "We have exciting news."

"Excite me." He looked bored already. "Make it quick, I only have an hour before my meeting-"

Adrien sighed loudly, interrupting his impatient father.

"Everything alright?" He questioned, with a steel like voice.

"Yes. For the first time in your life, just pretend you care." Adrien responded.

We followed Gabriel into the manor and awkwardly sat on the chairs, we weren't told if we could sit. Gabriel sat on a grand chair in the centre of the room and looked at us expectantly.

"Go on." He commanded.

Adrien signalled me to reply.

"Well, we have some lovely news. And you, being Adrien's father, should be told, obviously. So- um, I'm, we're having, going to have a, uh, baby. Another one, yes."

I could have face palmed myself, but my palms were damp with sweat and I didn't want to wipe off my make up.
I was so nervous of him.

Gabriel's face stayed emotionless. For a short moment, it softened, then returned to its solemn look.

"Ah. Congratulations on that. Give me Emma." He said, without warning.

"Oh, ok." I say, fumbling over words.

I turn to Adrien. He takes a step back, holding Emma closer to him.

"Give her to me." He said in a low voice, it was familiar, in a bad way.

I frowned and looked at Adrien.

He was staring at his dad with a panicked, flustered look.

My blood pressure was rising, I could feel the heat running through my body and my stomach ached.

Gabriel coughed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude. I must leave now."

We helped ourselves out and as soon as we reached the car I switched on the cool air conditioning.

I felt uncomfortable and I decided to check my phone, my next hospital appointment was tomorrow.

"Phew, I'm tired. Let's get back." Adrien said, starting the engine.

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