Chapter Thirteen

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The hospital finally discharged me, Adrien had prepared Emma's room while I was in recovery, and it was perfect.

"Bye Alaya, Nino, please visit again soon!" We called, as their car pulled away with sleeping Lauren and Ellie. Then Ben, who was screaming ferociously in the back seat.

We wave until the car is out of sight.

"What a year." I laugh and bury baby Emma closer to my chest. I follow Adrien silently into the house.

Emma gurgled and clenched and unclenched her tiny fists.

"Just you wait until you see your new bedroom." I say, cradling Emma gently. She gurgled.

We entered a pale pink room, paintings of animals crawled up walls and ceiling. A little crib sat in the centre of the room. It was furnished with comfy looking cushions and teddies. A mobile hung from above the crib, tiny tinkling noises sounded from it as it circled dreamily.

I laid Emma on the changing table along with the nappies and baby powder. I sighed softly and took Adrien's hand, admiring our matching engagment rings, I stroked the swirling patterns engraved in the metal. He pulled me up into his chest and we swayed to the soothing music. Emma wriggled and threw her arms and legs around madly, we both laughed and detangled ourselves from each other so that I could settle our baby in her new crib.

She was sleeping within minutes of whispering calming words to her. We retired from the silent room.

"Adrien, I'm sorry I ruined our engagment-"

"Oh, Marinette, your apologising for that? It was much better than just slipping a ring on your finger, we got our baby too."

I smiled and sat heavily down, feeling a shock of pain stab my abdomen.

"Ah-" I slammed my lips together, refusing to let the pain invade my final peace and quiet. Adrien didn't hear, thankfully.

I rested my head on his shoulder and let my eyes drop down, staring at my hands until they faded away.

Adrienette AdulthoodWhere stories live. Discover now