Chapter Nineteen

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It was the first time I had woken up to the warm sun sprinkled over the duvet covers.

For a moment I felt happy inside. I smiled to myself and breathed in the air that the sun danced through, you could see all the tiny dust particles floating through the air.

After a few minutes of silence, I began feeling uncomfortable. I sat up a little to fast and ended up doubled over the toilet seat enjoying morning sickness in all its glory.

Adrien sighed in his sleep and tossed over. He's great when he's awake, right now he is good for nothing.

I washed my mouth out and brushed my teeth in half the time I should be doing it, though I needed to feed Emma and I really didnt feel like listening to her own built in alarm clock wailing for me to get her up.

I decided that a morning walk would do us good. I had Emma dressed and fed within fifteen minutes, my new personal best time, and laid her on the baby mat to watch the mobile turn circled while I dressed myself.

After picking out a cute red velvet dress and pumps I skipped downstairs and threw on my gilet, scarf, bobble hat and gloves. Then I gently picked up Emma and nestled her in the pram that we hadn't used yet.

She settled right in and soon her glowing little eyes were drifting up to sky in wonder. I strapped a little sun block umbrella to the side of her pram so she could stare out without hurting her eyes.

The breeze felt cool and refreshing at this time in the morning. I had missed the feel of holding Adrien's hand as we walked down to the canal and threw pieces of bread at the graceful swans and ducklings which we had stared in awe at.

"It will be spring soon, Emma, and we can feed the ducks together. You will like that. You and your little brother or sister, even though he or she will not have been born yet."

Emma seemed to gurgle in reply, as if to say "Yes, I can't wait!".

I smile and stop near the canal. I feel a little ill, but I push the thought aside.

"Let's go to the Cafe, I wouldn't mind a hot choclate." I say.

We reach the white painted cafe and open its baby blue door. I manage to cram the pram through and take a seat by the bathroom, just in case the remains of last nights take away decide to make an appearance.

A petite, pregnant woman with blond hair tied up in a professional looking bun and note book shuffles over to us. She looks about 30 weeks in and it seems as if it could be her first baby. I wasn't sure whether she should even be at work at this point.

"Hello. Here is a menu," She reaches behind her and grabs one, quickly placing it on the table, "and I will take your order in a moment."

She bustled away and wiped her brow  cautiously.

"Ok. Well I'm having a hot chocolate, Emma? I'm guessing milk will do." I smile and scan over the breakfast menu, my stomach hurls and I quickly shut it.

The woman returns.

"Can I take your order?"

"Yes please, a hot chocolate and- and a..." I stop short because the woman has turned pale and is now leaning against the wall. She takes a deep breath and straightens up, recollecting herself.

"Sorry, what else did you want?"

I frown and stand up, directing her to sit in my seat. She sits reluctantly.

"Thank you, I feel like I have been running around all day, and its only 10 am! Goodness. I ought to go and-" She sucked in another breath and leant forward, clutching her round stomach forcefully.

"Please, you don't look to good. I think you should go home and rest. This baby must be weighing you down, literally. When does your maternity leave begin?"

"It doesn't. I have decided not to take it." Though she looks very against the idea.

"Why is that? You must rest, you look exhausted, for you and the baby's sake."

"Well, if you must know, I'm a single mother, I can hardly pay my bills and the mortgage, let alone this baby. I don't want to put her into care and let her think that her own mother didn't want to care for her. I'm desperately trying to bring in money, but I'm a wreck. Were going to live on the streets and its all my fault." She broke down into tears.

I stood there, startled.

"Hey, it's ok, you can find help."

Suddenly the woman looked down at her lap.

"Oh no. My waters broke." She began shaking.

I darted to the employee at the counter.

"Excuse me, one of your staff has just gone into labour. We need fresh towls, I'm going to call the ambulance." I remain calm and dial the number.

"What emergency service do you require?" The woman on the operating machine asked.

"Ambulance." I say.

"Hello, ambulance service here, what seems to be your emergancy?"

"A woman is giving birth at the Cafe." I give her the address and pass the phone to a colleague.

I hurry up to the woman who is laid on a pile of towls and is panting furiously.

"An ambulance is on the way. Breath slower, it will help the birth." I say in my calmest voice.

"I can't! She is going to come any minute now, I can feel it!" She gasped and wiped at her tear stained cheeks.

I find a tissue and help her mop herself. I begin to layer towls over her bottom half and ask if she can take of any under garments. She forces them off as she fights through contractions.

"Your doing great. The ambulance will be her soon."

"Um, the ambulance is stuck in traffic, they say she is going to need to begin pushing very soon." The colleague says, he looks slightly pale.

I take a deep breath and peep under the towls. I can see the baby's head crowning.

"Ok, I've seen enough movies to do this. On your next contraction, you need to push as hard as you can."

The woman is practically screaming in pain, her fists curled up into balls and her toes clenched up so much you can see the whites of her bones.

The baby was slowly, but surely, making its way out of the birth canal. Sirens could finally be heard in the distance.

"They are nearly here, just keep calm and breath. Push again in 3, 2, 1... There you have the most painful part done. Head and shoulders are out.
I need final push and you will have your baby!"

The mother heaved one more time before going limp out of exhaustion.

"Is she ok?" The mother breathed, beads of sweat rolling down her forehead and under her eyes.

I quickly picked the baby from the bundles of towls and gently rocked the Baby until a tiny cry erupted from it.

"Well, he looks perfect to me."

I hand the tired mother her baby boy.

The ambulance crew burst through the door.

* * * * * * *

I sigh happily and make a bathroom break. I walk into the nearest cubicle and releived myself. It was only as I looked down that I saw the blood. Lots  and lots of blood.

"Oh no." I whisper.

Tears sting in my eyes.

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