Chapter Twenty-three

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I laid down in me and Adrien's bed, staring up at the ceiling and picturing another little baby.

It made me wonder about whether it would be a boy or a girl. What kind of personality would he or she have? Would they be quiet and adventurous like Emma, or maybe loud and excitable.

Adrien got into the bed and rested a hand on our baby. I closed my eyes and felt the baby moving. It may only be four months old, but he or she was gaining their strength.

I fell into a light sleep, I didn't dream, but I could hear Adrien talking quietly to our baby.

The night felt like it was passing slower that usual, the dark seemed to be taking hours to turn light.

Finally, at half seven, light eventually began to glint through the curtains. Emma cried for her feed and I listened to Adrien pick Emma out of her cot and talk to her.

I tiptoed out of bed and down the stairs, opened the fridge and took out the mango juice. I sipped at a glass of the juice whilst flicking through my 'Diary of Events'.

The wedding was in five months time, and I couldn't wait. We hoped the baby would be born by this point and we didn't want to wait any longer for us to be official.

I scanned today's event. Dress shopping. Alya was coming over especially seeing as her and Nino with the children had moved only one town away.

Lauren, Ellie and Ben were doing well, already they were feeding themselves and beginning to get the hang of sitting up without support.

"Marinette!" Adrien suddenly yelled, snapping me out of a trance of thought.

"Yes?" I call back.

"Come here!"

I jog up the stairs and follow Adrien's voice. I enter Emma's room and freeze. Emma is crawling over the floor and laughing hysterically.

"Oh my- our baby is crawling already?! She should barely be able to grab onto things, let alone this!" I gasp.

"I know, I turned around for one second and when I turned back she was rolling around like crazy."

I sit down and wrap Emma up in my arms, desperately wishing this was not happening. All I wanted was for our baby to be just like the others.

I panicked. What will the new baby be  like if Emma is growing so fast?

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