Chapter Seven

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The morning after the frustrating event, I found Alaya and told her how worried I was getting.

Even I was beginning to notice changes. I hoped Adrien wasn't onto me, what if he sussed it out himself? I would never be able to forgive myself. I didn't want it to be a secret any longer.

I had an ultrasound coming up later this afternoon. I could put the picture of the scan under his pillow, that would be a sweet way to find out.

"Alaya, how would feel about being with me for my first ultrasound?" I ask.

She jerked up, clearly very pleased.

"Of course!"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  * *  * * * * *  *

"Marinette, please, come this way." The nurse called.

Alaya and I tailed her until we reached a room, similar to the one I woke up in when I found out about the baby.

I sat on the bed and waiting, the nurse put special jel on my stomach, then moved a monitor over it. The scan was fuzzy but the nurse seemed to find something, even though she remained straight faced.

"Good progress, Marinette. Your friend, we have time for another appointment, if she would like a check up."

Alaya was unreluctant and happily laid on the bed. I was mesmerized at how incredible the figures on the scan looked.

However the nurse frowned. "Overdue are you? Looks like they should have already arrived by now. Their about three weeks late."

"No... I'm six months..."

"You didn't know? Where did you get you first scans?"


The nurse walked out. I gave a Alaya a frown. She returned back into the room with another doctor.

"We need to induce you immediately."

"Have the babies..? Now?" Alaya whispered, shock set on her face.

The nurse nods and asks me to leave the room.

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