When we got off of the Farris wheel, we started walking down the beach by the Pier. This was the 1st time ever in my life that I felt normal. I had never went on a da--an outing with a guy before. We walked and then we stared at the sunset. "There's one more thing that I want to do to make this day perfect" Taylon said.

          "What's that?" I asked. He didn't answer, he just leaned towards me, put his hands on one side of my face and....he kisses me on the cheek. 

          We walk off of the beach smiling. I could still feel the warm spot on my cheek where he kissed me.

        I don't know why, but, I think I might like Taylon. Crazy right?



Kylie's POV

          I'm walking and looking around, but for what, I have yet to figure out. I find him, sitting there looking perfect with his beautiful eyes on me. I walk toward him, but for some reason, I stop. I look at him and he runs towards me. When he gets there, he smiles at me and I smile back at him. He picks me up by my waist and kisses me on the lips. When he does, it's like the whole world became perfect. As 10 seconds passed, I held on to his neck and curled my fingers in his hair. It felt wonderful and I didn't want it to ever end.

That's when I woke up.

Janiah's POV

          Ky keeps telling me about the same dream she has been having for over a month now. I want to tell her what all the dream means, but, her being her, she wants fate to choose that. She's weird and she's about to make me burst open and just tell her. I haven't been able to talk much because I'm too caught up with my boyfriend Nicolas. I love him so much and I'm just so worried about Kylie. Her year is almost up, and who knows what could happen if she didn't find the one she belongs with. Everyone's going around saying that Taylon's her boyfriend, but I don't believe it because she would have told one of us by now. I think that all of us are finding our place in this world because we all seem to be finding love. Well, that is...except Kylie. I think she's attracted to that Taylon guy, but she's too stubborn to admit it to herself or anybody else. I really don't know, but I think that she's scared that her relationship will end like her parents' did. I just think that we're all becoming a real part of the world now.

Kylie's POV

         I don't really think that I have words to explain this day. It was perfect. Perfectly TERRIBLE!!! I thought that everything was going up, when all of a sudden, my whole day came crashing down on me. 1st of all, my senses were just tingling all over the place. My nose picked up every last scent. All I saw was him. That was the worst thing about it. 2nd of all, I got to my locker in the morning to find the same pink tinted lipstick. This time it read, 'stay away from him...or else'. "Or else what?" I muttered, as if the lipstick would just talk back to me. I hated this! Everyone accusing me of being Taylon's girlfriend. All the whispering and chatting about us. Normally, I really wouldn't care about the snooty comments that people made about me. But now, what with my over sensitive hearing, I couldn't stand it. People going in my face saying, "Your boyfriend was looking for you" or, "There's the girl who goes out with that freak show", followed by, "I don't see what that guy sees in her. She's not captain of the cheer squad".

          My head was just about to blow off when I saw him. He had that killer smile I loved on his face and I forced my lips into a tight line and started walking in the other direction, even though it was lunch hour and I was starving. I tried to go without being noticed by him, because obviously, it was too late to not be noticed by anyone else. But, he ran up behind me and said,"Hey Ky! Wait up!" Oh my goodness, he was so annoying!!! He finally caught up to me and said, "Where ya headed to? Isn't it lunch period right now?"

Are you my Soulmate? <EDITING WILL BE DONE AT A LATER DATE>Where stories live. Discover now