Helmet Hair

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IG: shakesqueerbooks
Tumblr: writinglangst8703

“Pidge! Go around the back and disguise yourself. Enter through the back, don’t get caught! After that, you know what to do. Hunk, get your jawblade and attack the left flank! Keith, Lance, we need you two to guard Pidge. She’ll need in and out with minimal trouble.” Shiro shouted his orders over the sounds of battle.

“Coran and the Princess can’t hold the castle longer than fifteen min---”

“Ten! The particle barrier is disintegrating faster than we assumed!” Coran’s frantic voice made a wave of determination and responsibility fall over the Paladins. There was a job to do.

“Don’t worry Princess, we’ll get this done in six!” Lance said cheerfully.

“JUST GO!” several yelled.

Keith and Lance turned their lions in time, and followed the green paladin towards a less guarded part of the Galra ship. Pidge went invisible, signaling Keith and Lance to watch her back now.

“I’m going to park her right under the hull, there should be a door.” Pidge explained. “I’ll sneak in and get to the control center. You two watch for any drones and make sure I don’t get caught.”

Sounds of shuffling were heard in their ear pieces.

“From there, I’ll get in and implant the virus. I would only have a minute and a half to get out, so be ready.” Pidge sounded determined, although nervous as well.

“Don’t worry, we’ll have you out in no time. Maybe afterwards, we can go get ice crea---”

“Not the time Lance, LEFT!” That was Keith.

Lance winced. That was the second time during the battle. He kept quiet after that.

Pidge disappeared through a hole she had sliced in the ship’s structure, and hell broke lose.

Lance shouted as nearly twenty Galra drones turned around the side of the ship and started shooting purple beams of light to meet with the blue. It had caught him off guard, and he barely had time to react to the next few that started to fire.

“Keith, they are coming from everywhere. You take the right, I’ll handle the left so we can---”

“Lance, stop talking and just SHOOT. I swear, if this mission fails and Pidge cant get out safely because of your constant chatter I’ll…”

Lance didn’t hear the rest, anger boiling and he shot beams of light towards the enemy.

There was no way they could take down the masses of fighter drones coming at them, it just being the two of them. If they would each take one side it would work better.

But Keith was shooting everywhere, and Lance tried to keep from shooting his friend accidentally.

“Hunk!!!” That was Shiro’s voice, sounding strained and concerned.

“What happened?” Lance was the first to answer. Had Hunk been hit? Was he okay?!

“I’m alright, guys! Keep fighting!” The yellow Paladin answered, and relief came.

But not soon enough.

Something rammed into the side of Blue, and she went spinning out of the fight Lance and Keith were engulfed in. Keith didn’t seem to notice, too into the fight.

“Ugh!” Lance’s helmet had been knocked off, alarms and flashes of red obscured his vision. The blue eyed man had been knocked out of his seat, laying on the floor. “Nn…”

Blue was hurt. That was the alarms.

“No No No!” Lance cursed, adrenaline pumping through him. The man was on his feet in seconds and back at the controls. He had to get back there and help Keith, Pidge should be out in only a few seconds. How long had it been, forty-five?

“Come on, girl. We gotta get back out there. Just another minute and then we’ll get you back to the castle and all fixed up.” A wave of pain washed through him, and he assumed it to be Blue’s.

“Got it! Let’s go, Keith!” Pidge.

“Copy that. Hunk, Shiro, Pidge is out, let’s get out of here.” Keith.

Lance was unaware of his team starting to leave the fight, towards the castle to make their escape and get out of there fast. The galra ship was starting to go green, and explosions of drones losing control went off all around.

“Come on… Come on…” Lance growled, and then he beamed as his lion came back to life.

“Yes!!! Boom baby!” As his screen cleared, he froze at the sight. Wait… where was Keith? And the ship…

Oh no. They were leaving! Lance looked around quickly, felt his head swim, and snatched his helmet back up to put it on.

“----is he?”

“Dammit, Lance. We don’t have time for this! We’re leaving!”

Lance held his breath, shoving the controls and zoomed Blue towards where the castle was starting to ascend. “Here! Sorry guys, Blue was down. We’re back in business!”

“Come on!” That was Allura and Shiro.

As soon as Lance made it back to the ship, out of the sea of exploding drones, the lions were pulled in and they were off. Allura and Coran were quick to pull up a wormhole, then blast themselves through it.

Lance’s head spun, adrenaline and the guilt of almost costing the mission flowing through him.

They had done it. Another Galra fleet taken out, another galaxy protected. But why did he feel so bad? He felt reckless, and a little annoyed. With himself or the others, he had no idea.

Walking back to the main part of the castle, the team congratulated each other and allowed relaxation and downtime. God knows they needed it.

“Great job in there, Pidge. We knew you could do it.” Shiro patted the green paladin’s helmet, smiling through his own.

“Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without Keith there at the end.” She removed her helmet and smiled, Hunk coming up and hugging her. How was he already out of uniform?

Keith was discussing something with Allura as Lance entered, the blue paladin moving a little slower. His head hurt, and it was sort of hard to see. Assuming he’d overworked himself, Lance tried to cool down by taking off his helmet.

Immediately, there were shouts. Lance had fallen to his side on the ground, helmet rolling away.

And with the head gear followed several droplets of blood that started to form a steady trail.


The man had taken a hard blow to the head when Blue had been hit, and when he had been flung from his seat, his skull had cracked from impact. His helmet had been flung off from the jerk, and had been unguarded.

Free of the helmet to clot it, the blood stained his hair and made it stick as the rest flowed from the side of his face. Blurred vision infected those blue eyes, melding everyone together.

It hadn’t been adrenaline, or Blue that had shared her pain, No, she had been projecting Lance’s to him, to get him to notice. But he hadn’t, and now his life was at stake. Lance wasn’t even aware he had fallen over. It was his own reckless fault. Joking around, hadn’t he?


Several colorful forms crouched in front of him, reaching for him. Muffled voices and a few shouts reached his ears which were seemingly full of cotton. A pool of blood started next to his cheek.

And then those colorful figures went dark.

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