"I never said it wasn't, either way I handled it by myself before and I could very well do it again."

"I stepped in."

"I didn't need you to"

"Would you rather I had keep walking?"


I stared back at him, my emerald eyes locked onto his not willing to lose this agruement.He sighed, seeming to give up on our useless discussion. Boy was I wrong,

"Fine, then I'm coming up with you."


"Kane and his men may be up there. Not many people get away from the Jester's let alone let a girl make a fool of them. Who knows what they'll do. "

How did he know so much about these Jester's? He couldn't have been much older then me, maybe a year. Who did this kid think he was, Batman? For crying out loud I didn't need someone to watch over me. The only think I would admit wad he was right about one thing. Joker's men never let people get away. There very well could be a couple clowns up there waiting for me. No way I would receive help from some stranger. I didn't know him, let alone trust him. I open my mouth to protest but before I could he interrupted me. Showing the fact he was unwilling to budge on the matter.

"Or if you rather, we could stay down here and continue our chat."

Okay, he had me there.

"Fine. BUT only until I finish unpacking. Once you see it's clear and no one is there you must leave."

He smirked, seeing he had finally got his way.

~Moments Later~

Awkwardness. The only word to describe it. No one was in my room when we arrived by he decided to stay longer. The place itself didn't look as bad on the inside as I was excepting. Then again any place on this side of Gotham had to be fixed up if someone even wanted to get someone to rent it
He offered to help me unpack a couple times but I rejected, knowing not everything in these bags a 'normal' person would carry. The silence was making things seem a lot more tense then they were. Maybe it was because we were both waiting to hear a gun trigger, a shuffling of feet or any sign of the Jester's. Sadly nothing was heard except awkward silence .

"A gun?"

His voice echoed across the room, making me turn my head to see what he was up to. In his hand was a sleek purple pistol. He must have been snooping through my bags. How dare he! My eyes widen only for a slight second before I regain my composure.

"As you said, I live in a dangerous place."

After what seemed to be a long, never ending pause he shrugged, gently placing it back down in my bag. Good, he bought it. The gun was one of the only thing's I kept from my past. I couldn't possibly give up. He sat on the end of the bed, looking bored with the situation. I sigh, my voice sounding tired and slightly annoyed from the fact he had not left yet.

"You know I don't remember asking you to be my body guard. "

"And I don't remember you mentioning your name."

"Easy, because I never told you it."

"Alright then, What is your name?"

"Why do you need to know? "

"I'm trying to be friendly,"

"And I'm tying to tell you that my name along with the rest of this is none of your busi.."

A rock shatters the window, making us both dive to the ground. I could make out at least four sets of feet step out from the window. I motion to the kid, signaling him to toss me the bag next to him. He gave a slight nod, taking the gun out for himself then sliding the bag over to me. In the hidden pocket was my spare knife. It was emerald green with my initials carved into it.

"Where is the brat?"

"Come out, Come out where ever you are."

The thugs joked around, coming closer and closer to our location. My grip tighten around the blade, getting ready to attack. All I needed was for them to take just one more step.


I spring up, stabbing the one closest to me in the chest. My leg finishes the job by kicking him hard in the groin. The thug bent over in pain making it easy to flip over him. I heard a loud grunt behind me, causing my head to snap around. A clown laid unconscious at my feet, the top of his head bleeding out from what presumed to be a hit on the head.In the clown's hand was a sharp needle with an unidentifiable liquid in it. My best guess was some kind of poison.

"Still no need for a body guard?"

The boy said smugly, making me look up. The blood on the barrel of the gun confirmed my suspicion. He had saved me which wouldn't necessarily help my argument. I was thankful for his help but there was no way I would tell him that.

"Come on, We have to get out of here."

Two of the clowns were standing back up, pulling out there weapons. This time they had gone straight for their guns. We both dashed for the window, The boy shot off the gun five times in the direction of the Jester's. His aim was terrible, it was like he was purposely trying not to kill them.

As we ran out the this shoot off another round of bullets. This time a bullet sinks into the lower right side of my shoulder, far to close to my heart. I bite my tongue in an effort to refrain from screaming. I was stronger then this, I had to be. I follow him out of the window, pulling my jacket over to hide my wound.

"Follow me,"

"Why? Where are we going?"

"Just follow me!"

I stop running, not only because I didn't want to blindly follow this boy but I couldn't run much longer. My shoulder had become a lot worse then expected. Figures and I haven't even been back a full day yet.

"Why should I trust you?"

"Do you have to question everything?"


"Listen to me, these men are some of the deadliest there are. You'll be dead in a matter of minutes if you don't come along with me."

My vision seemed to darken around the boy, every word of his seemed to slur into one another, becoming more and more far off. His annoyed expression seemed to soften,

"Hey, you okay? Your looking kind of pale."

His eyes widen, focusing in on my shoulder which by now had bleed through my jacket. I could feel the warmth of fresh blood as it trickled down my side. Lucky for me a strong pressure gripped around my arm seconds before my legs gave out from under me.

"Hey, stay with m--."

My eyes flicker shut not hearing the end of his statement.

The Riddler's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now