Spying On A Vixen

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~Jason POV~

I watch as Emily raced out the door, I went to follow but I knew things weren't so well here either. Bruce was pissed with me for not being on call last night. We never go out on a night of an event because it is always too risky and conflicting with our identities. How could he expect me to have my phone on me just waiting for his ring. I groan before noticing Bruce wasn't even in the kitchen anymore. Surely, I expected him to continue his lecture on what I had done wrong last night. There was only one other place he would be, tracking the Riddler. I decided it was best to go down, I only made it two steps before Alfred made a gesture to the breakfast he made. It was nice of him to make breakfast for all three of us. Arguing was pointless, I took a waffle and popped it in my mouth.. "There, breakfast." I mumble with my mouth full. Quickly, I slide by him in a hurry to make it downstairs to the Bat Cave. At first look it appeared that Bruce was watching a suspect on the flat screen. The girl looked exactly like Emily? Emily was the one with a camera on her. I knew he didn't trust her but this was outrageous. Growling in anger, I storm up to Bruce, "You put a camera on her!"

He does not even bother to turn around to acknowledge me, however, he did correct me on one thing. "Not on her. It's on her bag." He almost sounded bored when talking, or maybe, tired. Alfred did mention something about Bruce not getting back until 8 am this morning. His eyes were glued to that screen. What did he expect to see?

"How long have you been spying on her?" No answer came from Bruce making me even more pissed. I felt my blood boiling inside. He had no right to do this. "I knew you never trusted her. You know this is an invasion of privacy, right? Not to mention if she finds out about it she's going to fl-"

"Quiet, I'm trying to hear." Bruce scolded, so I had no choice but to sit down on the chair beside him. I glare at Bruce before turning to the screen. Emily was sprinting, the fastest I had ever seen her run. I could tell she was worried, it was evident across her face. The emotion was understandable. I knew I would feel the same way if Bruce was going to be on that side of town last night and hadn't contacted me since the damage. Her father was all she had left. The guilt formed a sour pit in my stomach. This, watching her like some criminal without her knowledge, was so wrong. I felt bad for Emily.

"Father!" Emily looked around nervously, a worried expression across her face. "Dad!" Her blonde hair was out of place, messed up from all her running. She was panting, sprinting around the house in search of him. Emily bolted upstairs, checking her room, his room, and the study but found nothing. There was no sight of her dad anywhere.

I turn to Bruce, leaning back in the seat with my arms crossed. "See." I state irritated. Emily gave him no reason to put a camera on her. Never once has she asked for money, an inside scoop or tried to use our 'Wayne connections' in any way. What did he expect to see, I doubt she was cheating on me. Emily was just scared about her old man and had good reason to be. Riddler was smart to pick the East End, many people were on that side of town last night. I look up to see Emily running a hand through her hair. You could tell she was thinking hard, trying to figure out another place he could be. The camera became shaky for awhile as she ran down steps, which I presume lead to the basement. It was dark, hard to see anything. Her eyes caught hold of something off screen.

"I'm assuming you've seen the news." A low, some what familiar voice spoke. The male's tone sounded calm, causal. Nonetheless this voice did not seem to put an ease to her worries. Emily remained uptight and at an unease. It might have even made her more nervous.

"Y-es" She could barely choke out. Her hands trembled at her sides. A second later, she continued in an apologetic tone. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there, I didn't-"

"Know?" The mystery voice responds, almost sounding like he was ready to laugh. I longed to see who she was talking to but the figure was still out of view of the camera. The only assumption I could make about the man's voice would be that it belonged to her father, yet, she seemed so scared still and it rendered a familiar tone.

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