Loser ; Eric Cartman

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After pushing me over, Cartman laughed and shot a snarky comment. Instead of running to someone I actually trusted, I noticed I was completely alone. No one was going to step in. There was no one I could trust.

So I stood back up after glancing around and ran at him, punching him. And before he could punch back, Mr Mackey held both of us away from each other.

"Principals!" He shouted. "Now!"

After he let go of both of us I stormed to Cartman just to get one more good hit on him, knocking him brutally to the cement and reddening his already blood colored face.

"Lia!" Mr Mackey began, but instead of holding myself back to talk to him, I marched inside of South Park Elementary in rage, ignoring Cartman's groans and long breaths behind me. I didn't care enough to even take a glance behind me. I wanted to run back and punch him again.

But instead I walked myself to the principals, knowing that a huge punishment would have to take place. This is the PC principal we're talking about, I could get expelled. But at this moment, I didn't care.

"Why would you even think to do that?!" He looked to me sternly as I walked into the room, feeling kinda badass to be honest. "I've already called your parents. They're already on their way here, and they are not happy with you."

I looked down to roll my eyes without him noticing.

"This is far from acceptable, Lia! This is not how you show respect in South Park Elementary!" He shouted, standing up.

"Must have been misinformed," I muttered sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, do you want to be expelled?! This isn't just a playground fight, you could have killed him!" He screamed.

"He hit me first!" I whined.

"That doesn't mean you can shove him into the concrete!" He shot. "Why do you hate him so much?!"

"I don't know," I shrugged. And it was true. A while back, before fourth grade, I tried really hard to be friends with him because I was new to South Park and simply wanted to be accepted. But I wasn't and had to deal with his insults for months at a time. I never knew why he hated me so much. I still don't. I think about it all the time.

"Lia!" I heard a familiar voice shout my name, startling me, before I turned around, stunned to see my two parents almost in tears because of what I did.

"Hey," I shrugged.

"Hey?!" My mom looked to me. "What the hell was that?! Fighting precious Eric Cartman?!"

"Where is he, anyway?" I asked the principal as my mom basically suffocated.

"He's in the nurse, thanks to you," He shot.

"Welcome," I smiled sarcastically. I did start to feel bad about how I was acting, but the rush of the fight was still inside of me.

"You're grounded for the rest of the year," My mom told me. "No leaving the house unless you're going to school or study."

"And you're going to be in detention for the rest of the school year," I heard him say. Great. All for a fight I didn't start.

All of a sudden, Cartman stumbled in, receiving gasps from both my mom and dad.

"Aw, sweetie!" My mom looked closer to him to see the damage.

"I'm always the one to get bullied," He whimpered.

"Oh, shut up," I rolled my eyes, hearing one after another of his stupid excuses for being weak and fat.

"At least I'm not sad enough with myself to push someone like that," He remarked.

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