Rumors Fled ; Kenny McCormick

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Instead of "Y/N", it'll be "Lia", because I hate "Y/N".

"Wait, Kenny!"

He turned around to look at you one last time before looking to the ground and walking away.

"It's not my fault!" You tried again. "I didn't know!"

He spun around again.

"Then why would you kiss him?" Kenny spat.

"Wait, what?!" You stuttered. "Is that what Cartman told you? No, none of that happened-"

"I believe Cartman over you," He shot before now running out of your sight toward his house, leaving you to cry in the gloomy weather left.

• • •

You really didn't want to go back to the infamous South Park Elementary again. After what happened yesterday afternoon, after Stan asked you out and rumors fled, you really couldn't go back.

There wasn't an issue with Stan asking you out, in fact, you loved Stan as a friend. But you and Kenny have been talking for forever, and Kenny gets so protective.

And after everybody said that Stan and you were actually a couple? Yeah, he was a little pissed.

But you trudged your feet through the wet snow of Colorado towards the three boys and one Jew waiting in the cold.

"Good morning," You stood next to the Jew and rocked back and forth on your converse.

"Morning," Kyle said back to you. Usually everyone responded, but instead Kenny muttered something, Stan bit his lip, and Cartman stared into the distance.

The bus couldn't come quick enough, but once it finally rolled up to us, you all were so relieved. Everyone sighed as you sat down, Kyle and Stan next to Kenny and Cartman. Although you usually sat with Kenny, you sat on my own today. Kyle offered a seat that you wished away.

School was a drag. Mr Garrison went on about topics none of you understood and you didn't care enough to pay attention.

Then, lunch time. Although you usually sat with the boys, you stumbled over to a table with Timmy and them, talking to Timmy the whole time about the whole situation. Sure he didn't have too much input, but it helped.

Kenny's POV

I understand I got mad yesterday. Everyone was talking about Stan and her becoming a couple and such and... I guess I just couldn't take it. I sat patiently at the lunch table waiting for her to come out and sit with us, but I watched her sit with Timmy instead.

I was thinking about moving tables, but instead I stood my ground.

"Kenny?" Stan asked me, scratching at his head. "I just want you to know it's not true."

I didn't respond. I understood it wasn't true, I knew they weren't a couple. But the fact that Stan wouldn't even tell me that he'd ask her out got me a little... Frustrated.

I crossed my arms and looked away.

"Wow, okay, dramatic much?" Cartman rolled his eyes.

"I am not dramatic!" I spat, but I was hella muffled from my parka.

"Says the guy who's not even talking to his girlfriend," He sipped his chocolate milk.

"She's not my girlfriend!" I began to bite so hard on my lip I think it bled.

"Then why are you getting mad at Stan then?" Cartman smirked.

"Because..." I wanted to burst. "I... I like her, okay?!"

The whole table was silent.

"Oooohh, Kenny likes L-Liaaaa," Jimmy giggled.

"Oh, shut up, Jimmy," I rolled my eyes. "Why aren't you sitting with your kind over there?"

As soon as I said that, I regretted it. Timmy was at that table, and so was Lia.

"I m-might just do that," He said, knowing that I might hate him for it.

And Jimmy made his way to her table, and Lia greeted him with a smile.

I looked back to the table after a moment, and Cartman was giving me the most "I-told-you-so" face I've ever seen.

"Fine," I pushed myself away from the table and made my way (downtown) to her's.

"Hey," I sat down next to her.

"Hey," She swallowed. "You don't have to sit here-"

"I'm really sorry," I let out. "I feel awful."

Silence hovered over all of us.

"S-See? That wasn't so hard," Jimmy stuttered.

Lia laughed and smiled to Timmy, who just smiled his same fucked up smile like usual.

"Timmy!" He exclaimed after seeing her, causing her to snort.

"I'm sorry, too," She turned back to me.

"Why?" I asked.

"No idea," She shrugged. "I just feel bad."

"Well," I looked to the ground. "Would you like to... I... I dunno, sometime?"

She laughed, but it was a good laugh. She took my hand and smiled.

"I would love to," She smiled softly.

"Aww!" Butters exclaimed from the other table, causing us both to laugh.

"Shut the hell up, Butters, I don't think I've ever seen Kenny smile before," Cartman stared at us. "Unless it was making jokes about-"

"Shut up, Cartman!" Kyle burst. Stan giggled, even though I did feel bad for him, I couldn't help but laugh, too.

Well that was weird
and short
and weird
love ya have a good april second or whenever you're reading this uh bye

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