Just Fine ; Kyle Broflovski

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warning dramatic and cringey
• The lyrics she sings are from "Truce", Twenty Øne Piløts •

"Stan I-"

"Just... Just go away!" He sputtered.

"But Stan-"

"Leave me alone!"

He shut his locker door, proceeding to turn around and walk down the hallway, leaving me alone with tears in my eyes.

Everyone stumbled past me in small groups, chatting frantically with friends. Whispers fell past me as I stared at Stan who turned the corner.

I could have fell to my knees, failing to grab ahold of myself, pounding my head until the headache calmed down.

But instead my head fell heavy, pulling me to the side of the hall. I stumbled to my locker, opening it and pretending it was a typical day. It was no other than a typical day, it was no other than a typical day.

Now, everybody hated me. I was the implicit anathema of the school. I wanted to fall out of place more than I already had.

I softly put my books into my locker and shut the door quietly, not bothering to turn the lock. I, pushing my eyes to the ground, slid past the other kids. Kyle stuttered his words to ask if I was okay, and I didn't bother to embarrass him.

Kyle watched me slide out of the door, giving him one last glance before leaving South Park Elementary. He stared back at my department, eyes wide. He, somehow, knew what was coming next.

"I'm sorry," He softly whispered, as if I could hear him from outside.

I didn't go home. I didn't go back. Instead, I followed my thoughts and followed my steps and walked to the top of the mountain behind my own house.

I sat for hours, mind clear of anything.

"I will fear the night again.
I hope I'm not my only friend."

• • •

I, somehow, brought my mind to school the next day. Walking past the group of four, I could barely see Kyle's empathetic face after seeing Stan's annoyed one. I pushed my eyes back to the concrete and walked past them, continuing down the sidewalk.

"We can't just let her walk," Kyle began. No one responded. Kyle stood on his own, now leaving his past thoughts.

My feet placed themselves in front of the other, pulling themselves in an order I didn't force them too.

• • •

I walked silently down the hallway. Everyone fell into a whisper, leaving me to close my eyes and walk aimlessly to my locker.

I shut the door softly. I walked my guided way to Mr Garison's room as usual.

"Look who came," Wendy rolled her eyes.

"Pathetic," Bebe began.

"What did I do?" I asked, hopeless.

"You know what you did," Wendy sat in her seat.

"I... I don't-" I tried.

"Shut the hell up," Cartman began. "You made the page in the first place."

"What... What page?" I tried again.

"You know what we're talking about," Stan pushed in front of him. The anger in his voice, the eager to just hurt me made tears fall swiftly down my cheeks.

He was my boyfriend. Well, now ex boyfriend.

"This page," Stan shoved his phone in front of my face.

"I haven't been on Twitter in months," I released.

"Really?" Cartman grabbed the phone. "Then why did you DM so many people?"


"You spread rumors about everyone here," Stan began. "None of them were true."

"Wait, what spread?"

"I didn't cheat on Wendy," Stan began. "I'm actually dating her right now."

"What happened to-"

"It never happened," He looked at me like it should have been obvious.

"What else spread?" I swallowed.

"I am not a Jew!" Cartman whined. A group of girls giggled.

"Guys, I never put up that account-"

"Admit it. It's not like you're important enough to get hacked," Stan rolled his eyes.

"You've never been important," Wendy struck. Tears were streaming down my face.

"Oh, too scared to admit it?" Bebe snapped.

"I've never been important," I choked, tears still falling down my cheeks. "I never will be. I'm useless. I'm stupid and I don't know why I tried. Because you guys will never believe me. I'm not important enough to believe."

My breaths were short. I cried, staring at the desk below me. Suddenly, I tore myself away from the desk and threw myself to the door. After scrambling to open it, I ran to leave South Park Elementary.

Kyle was after me.

I put my hands to my throat, feeling the tightness and shortness of breath pushing out of my mouth. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, creating streaks of makeup.

I sat down on the stairs outside of the school as rain droplets hit my face. I pulled my knees into my chest, creating a small amount of warmth.

Kyle sat down on the opposite side of the stair. He slowly pulled himself into me, and eventually, his body heat flowed to mine, creating shivers.

"You'll be fine," He whispered. "You'll be alright."

Kyle was the only one to know about my anxiety. My worries, my thoughts, everything flew away like flightless birds gracefully whenever Kyle was with me.

"I'm sorry that you have to put up with this in your daily life," He whispered. "But everything will be okay in the end."

I cried out in pain. A certain pain that only worrying brings. about a headache, but much worse. A pulling of stress that pushed your mind under the ground, making yourself smaller than you actually are.

"Focus on everything being okay," He whispered. "Everything's peaceful."

My mind was throbbing from the thoughts and self abuse. I wanted to fall away from everybody in this school. I didn't care if people cared. I wanted to drown in my own thoughts.

"You're okay, you're perfectly okay," Kyle whispered, even softer than before.

I swallowed. I was okay, I was perfectly okay.

"You're amazing, dealing with this," He said. "You're alright. And that's amazing."

My mind calmed down, bringing more tears that left my eyes.

"The sun will rise, and we will try again," I whispered.

He pulled me closer.

"I don't want to try again," I wiped away the tears. "I want to leave."

"Everything will be just fine," He responded.


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