Chapter 16

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Isis Pov


It's Hot...Really hot.

That's all I can concentrate on. My feet burned and I wanted so desperately to cry but, I don't have the energy. 

My feet dragged and I squinted my eyes trying to look ahead. How will I continue on? I thought sadly. Is this how I die? Alone and dehydrated in a desert. 

My eyes began to jump and my vision began to blur. I felt a touch on my forehead and darkness over took me.


My head was pounding and my eyes were closed. Breathing softly I tried to calm myself but, it wasn't working. 

'Is this what death feels like?' I wonder to myself. Than I felt was the presence of power and a sense of authority. I bit into my inner cheek softly I did not want to give the impression that I was awake to whoever walked in where I was.

A deep laugh seemed to come from everywhere but nowhere at the same time. My breathing began to speed was this a dilusion? Why don't I feel the roughness of the sand. My eyes popped open without my permission and against my better judgement I sat up.

Wincing at the stiffnes of my body I focused my eyes and began to look around the room I was in...if you could even call it that.

Like a gazebo it had no doors but, wide pillars that circled around a marble base. It was all white and in the sun the marble seemed to glisten. 

Than I saw him...the most beautiful man I'd ever come across with really tan skin that looked smoother than silk. He had black hair that was pulled to the back and braided. His body was that of a god.

His soft brown eyes seemed to scream confindence and he held a smirk.

"Ah Laila...or shall I say Isis...I've been watching you" He started and as I opened my mouth to ask a question he shushed me and continued.

"I have seen yout struggle for Tutanhakamun and I've taken pity on you...for the sake of my worshippers. When you awake you will find yourself in my devoted servant Abu's house...there you will find a fine black powder that you will mix in your water. It'll allow you to have part of my essance so when the battle occurs no matter who whens you will rule the empire."

I scoffed "Me rule an empire?" I sighed "I honestly don't know how to reply...." I stopped and I looked at him closely "Are you..."

He smirked and nodded "Yes I am Ra and you Isis are done here....your time is up I'll always be with you now...."

"Wake up"


Authors note~

I know its short but I'll be updating mopre often because its summer so yeah!

Did you like it? I'm not really sure about this chapter but eh.





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