Chapter 7

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Isis POV


As I wiped the sweat off my brow I couldn't help but wonder. If I'm struggling with making a jar how do women, even children do this on an almost daily basis?

Me and Shai worked for hours building three steady  jars out of mud from the bank of the river. With Khait tied to my back sleep I felt like an actual eygptian. 

Shai laid himself on the grond as we waited for our jars to dry....good thing it's very, very hot so it shouldn't take long at all.

I sat down and held Khait in trying to calm my nerves. How was I going to take care of two kids? I could barely look out for myself. I sighed trying to find the courage I have deep inside.

I glanced at Shai who lay napping on the cool grass by the river bank. I wonder what he dreams of. Perhaps a nice place where he and his brother are happy. Or maybe he dreams of his mother rocking him softly when he was a baby. Whatever he dreams of it must be wonderful...compared to where we are at now.

Don't get me wrong I mean the scenery is beautiful but, I am so unprepared for anything that happens and to make that worse I have a baby! A beautiful one but, still a baby.

I eyed the jars and noticed they were hardining. In another hour or two they'll be done. Khait began to wiggle in my arms and I could tell he was about to throw a fit. I slowly stood up with him in my arms and went to the river bank. I dipped my hand in and pulled a little water out and held it up to Khait mouth wanting him to drink before it all spilled out.

He sipped the water clumsly and it took about twenty minutes for him to decide he was done. 

By the time Khait was done our jars were dry. I tied Khait to my back and began filling the jar I made while Shai filled the one he made.


By the time the sun began to set Shai, Khait and , I were near the little house we called home. Shai walked in ahead of us and put the jars he had in his hand down. While I put Khait on the bed in the back. 

After laying Khait down I turned to Shai.

"Do we have anything to eat Shai?" I asked softly noting that he looked tired

Shai nodded "We have lentils....that's it"

I bit my lip. I wasn't a fan of beans but perhaps I could make a lentil dinner?

I smiled softly at Shai "Go lay down with Khait...I'll try to cook" I looked around and found an old rickty looking box. Opening sit slowly I saw Lentils. There wasn't a lot but, perhaps enough for a couple of days? Either way I only took enough to get Shai full and to feed off my hunger. 

Then I laid them in a bowl and looked around for a place to start a fire. Even though I didn't pay attention in history I knew that every house in ancient Egypt no matter how small had a pit to start a fire.

It took a while but than I found it. A small round burnt off place near the end of the house. I began building a small fire to heat the beans.

When the beans were done I gave most of them to Shai and ate the little bit that was left. 


I must of fell asleep because I woke up to Shai's prodding. 

"You have to wake up" he said with urgancy  "The palace gaurds are coming everyone in the house must be up Ummi wake up"

I lazily open my eyes. "The palace gaurds? Why are they coming?" 

"They are searching for someone Ummi you must wake"

I nodded and got up "Is Khait still asleep?"

Shai nodded "Yes Ummi but, Khait is the least of our concerns look" he pointed out of the small window "They are arriving."

I nodded and stood up straight. I was nervous. What if They force me to go back to Tut? What if they seperate me from Shai and Khait. I couldn't let that happen. They were mmy family now and I love them.

With my head held high I greeted the gaurds and they studied me carefully 

"Woman" The one in the front who I assumed was the leader spat out "Where is your husband?" He asked

"My Husband died a while ago after I had our second son" I replied shakily trying not to show any fear.

The leader began to laugh "Do not lie to me girl" He said looking me and Shai up and down "This boy looks nothing like you" 

"That means nothing" I argued "He is my son....and I love him. Is there anything specfic you need?"

The gaurd nodded gruffly "By Orders of the Pharaoh all women are to be escorted to his city so he may look upon you"

I shook my head "What about my kids? I have no one to look after them....please let me take them with me." I begged softly not wanting to leave Shai and baby Khait alone.

"Bring them and hurry if you take too long I'll have to drag you out...try to escaped and we'll beat you" He said with a cold voice.

I gulped and ran to baby Khait trying to hurry and get out the house.


Author's note

I know this chapter is kind of boring but I promise the next one will be really interesting! I hope to introduce Ankhasenpaaten and Namurot's plan too! 

Hope you liked it!




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