Chapter 8

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Isis Pov


When me and Shai finished getting everything we could carry we were escorted out the house. The gaurds had lined up me and about thirty other women all who were young, or un-wed. 

Than we began marching. I didn't know where we were going and, the gaurds refused to answer any questions. Khait was wiggling on my back. He was probably hungry but, I couldn't stop to feed him. Instead I listened to his pleading cries until he feel asleep.

I tried looking around to see how the other women were doing and they didn't look any better than me. My heart ached for these women, for Shai, for Khait and, lastly for Tut.

The pain that shot up my legs with each step was ignored. I refused to be weak. I must bare the pain for Khait and Shai. 

The gaurds who rode on camels stopped suddenly. The one in the front who I assumed was the general called out. 

"Women and Kids take this time to wrap your feet, to feed your kids, and to drink of your water. For this is the first and only stop you will have today because, by midday you will be in the Pharaoh's city and he himself shall; look upon you."

With that said every one began to drink of their water jugs and feed their kids. I shook baby Khait awake and feed him ground up Lentils something he's becoming accustom to. When Khait was tooken care of I gave Shai two bowls of water to drink and than drunk some myself.

The gaurds began to bang drums and everyone packed up and began walking again....It felt like we were on the Trail of Tears Egyptian style.


Tut's Pov


 I had called a meeting down below my Palace. Under the cells there was a room that not many knew of and those that knew pledged their life to get in...except me of course. I cleared my throat and the meeting started.

"My Lord" One of my countries secret keepers began "There are several things that have brought my fellow brothers and I here......The first being the matter of the girl. We feel that she holds the key for this empire to thrive for thousands of years more...If you can find her and get her to talk. The second being your priest Namurot. It seems that he's been trying to contact us....He feels as if you aren't ment to be Pharaoh because of your young age and that He should be it."

The keeper looked at me waiting for my response.

"I will find her and once she settles back in I will question her have no doubt about that but, Namurot I must deal with as soon as this meeting is adjourned. I have had some thoughts about his loyality to me for a while now and this meeting proves he cannot be trusted. I have already sent two of my best spies to watch him....though now I see I must send my best assassins to claim his life now." I replied looking at my keepers to see if they had anything to say about this.

A keeper sitting next to the one who just spoke, spoke up "My Lord I say you don't kill him right away....invite him for a meal a feast of sort to celebrate and have your servants poison his food...than when he is passed out have your gaurds lock him up and than question him....see if he had any help.."

I nodded in understanding his plan was flawless and I would use it. 

"Is there anything else on your mind Keepers?"

The Keeper who spoke first raised his hand and began to speak "Also My Lord before it slips my mind it would be helpful to you and your empire if you sired a heir"

I sighed and nodded knowing that there's no way I can say no to that request because, without the Keeper's advice where would the empire be?

"It is settled...Keepers thank you for your time....we will meet up when the trouble of my empire has stopped. Once again thank you for your help."

I stood and the meeting was dismissed. I watched as the Keepers put on their silk black cloaks and disappeared in a whirl of black sand and than I walked away upstairs to face the callings of being Pharaoh.


Namurot's Pov

I sat in my study sneering at the texts in my hand. Not one of them would help me. Those blasted Keepers if not me who would they help? I doubt they'd help that fool Tutankhamun he's an idiot unworthy of ruling this empire.

I smirked. He has no idea of my plans. Laughing to myself I took a sip of wine. "Once he's dead I SHALL rule!" I yelled even though no one was around it felt empowering to yell even though once I'm Pharaoh I won't have to yell.

Looking back to the texts on my table I smirked. Being a priest gave me full knowledge of spells and poisons that would help me get to my deed.I would become Pharaoh if Tutankhamun died because he has no heirs and his soon to be wife Isis was tooken care of.

I chuckled. She was a sweet thing. Perhaps if she wasn't in my way for the throne she would've made a lovely concubine. Netherless there will be more women for me to bed though I only plan on marrying Ankhasenpateen. 

She would make a fine wife and when I am through with her I'll dispose of one will question it but, first I must steal the throne that should be mine by the most successful way ever.



Author's note!

You like? I put Namurot's plan up there and if you're wondering about the Keepers they are kind of like Greek mythologies Oracles except they are men and they help who they please (so that's why they wouldn't help Namurot) I plan to have Ankhasenpateen make an appearance next chapter so she can explain her plan. Yes her and Namurot have two different plans that connect to end one way! 




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