Chapter 3

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Laila's POV

"Bennu!?" I called waiting for her to come. I was still feeling down and honestly I just wanted to sleep.

Hearing footsteps I stood out of the water and turned facing the opening of the bathing room but, it wasn't was Tut.

I tried quickly to cover myself but, from the look he gave me he saw it all. Glaring I asked annoyed

"What are you doing here...Tut" I said growling out his name.

He smirked at me as if my anger ment nothing. "Can't a man go in his bathing room?"

"Not when it's in use he can't" I replied hoping he would leave i had enough of him for the day.

He leaned on his cane and for the first time i could see pain radiated on his face.

"I Want to talk to you" He said and I nodded 

"We can talk.....just not right now" I said perhaps he would take the hint and leave.

He shook his head and slowly walked to the edge of the bath. He slowly sat down and looked down at me.

"We will talk right now...Isis what makes you weary of marrying me?" He asked 

I looked down at the water trying to think of a way to say this.

"What makes me weary? What doesn't make me weary? I'm too young to be married. I don't even know you and I don't even know how I got here" I said fastly

Tut looked at me surprized as if the words I was saying made no sense. 

 "Isis girls younger than you marry. I was married at ten, nothing I'm ashamed of and knowing me? We have all of eternity to get to know each other...and as for you getting here that's Ra's secret something that I can't even comprehend"

I didn't look at him and I honestly thought he left until I heard a splash. I turned around to see Tut wading in the the water. 

"Tut.....get out" I said trying to back away I said softly trying to back away


Tut's POV

When I got into the water it was like a spirit took over me. I began wading towards her.

Ignoring her demand. I smirked she was cornered. She had a look on her face. Maybe she thought I was going to take her...which I wasn't I just wanted a taste.

When I had her wedged between the bath's edge and me I leaned in and kissed her. She tasted like the sweetest fruit and her lips were softer than anything I've ever felt. 

She pulled away from the kiss and looked me in the eye

"This is wrong Tut....where I'm from a man no matter how high his power is can only have one wife" She said after a moment of silence

"Isis you'd be my first wife what more can I give you? You want a new palace I'll have my people build you one."  I said trying to reason to her.

She shook her head "Tut....How can you marry someone when you know they're destined to die young before their life even really begun?"

I looked at her strangely "Isis....what are you talking about?" 

"Nothing" she said quickly "I've not been feeling well and perhaps the water has gotten to my head" She laughed nervously before calling her one of her chamber maids.

"Bennu!...Bennu! I'm ready to leave!"

The chubby chamber maid walked in and when she saw me bowed. I nodded and she proceeded to help Isis out.

When Isis and her maid left I sunk in the water tired, confused and in pain. What had Isis ment? Was she a seer? Was I to die soon? All those questions ran through my head and I had no answer.

Part of me...the Pharaoh in me wanted to have Isis brought back in here and demand her to tell me what she's keeping from me...the other part, the part that I've been trying to ignore is yearning for her touch, her love.

 My pride wouldn't allow it though. I refuse to chase after her in my own home. Instead I slowly walked out of the pool of water and called my chamber maid Mesta who has waited on me since I assumed throne.

I ordered her to dry me and dress me. When she finished she handed me my cane and then I walked to my chamber.

My gaurd Aten greated me.

"Aten...My trusted gaurd I want you to keep an eye and an ear out for Isis....if she mentions anything...anything weird tell me immediately" 

Aten bowed and nodded than left to do what he was ordered. 

I maid it to my bed and sat on it thinking. Perhaps Isis knew a cure for this pain I've been feeling lately or perhaps she knew the outcome of the war....whatever she knew it is important and I will find out what it is.


Isis POV

I back to my room worse than how I felt when I left. How could I be so stupid? I let him kiss me in a tub while we were both naked!

I feel like a big bucket of emotions and honestly I just needed someone to talk to someone I could trust...Bennu?

"Bennu" I called softly

"Yes My Lady....Do you need anything?" She asked politely

I nodded "A friend to talk to? I've got things on my mind that I've got to get to listen?" I asked hopefull she'd say yes.

Bennu Smiled and nodded "Yes My Lady tell me whatever you feel to tell me I won't tell" She sat beside me on my bed and I began to explain how I feel

"Bennu...I don't belong here honestly I don't know how I got here and before you respond to that NO I'm not a gift from Ra I'm just a normal sixteen year old who went to the history museum with her friend and I tried on things I wasn't supposed to and now I'm here with Tut...Who want's to marry me but, I can't marry someone when I know they're going to die soon...I just can't." 

Bennu patted my back awkwardly as if she didn't want to be here. I frowned

"You must think I'm crazy....I don't blame you if you do.."

Bennu shook her head "No My Lady, I think you're perfectly fine" she tried to assure me.

I smiled "Bennu....Do you think that Tut would let you take me around the city?"

Bennu looked unsure "I don't know My Lady I would have to go and ask him but, there is a branch of the itrw behind the palace...perhaps you might want to see that?"

I nodded silently wondering what an itrw was. Standing up I began to follow Bennu who led me past the bathing room,past the big room where Tut holds his court,and into this huge room that led outside to a river? 

I tilted my head to the side Bennu was showing me the Nile? 

It looks so nice to beautiful so untouched my pollution so wonderful.

"Bennu" I called softly "What is the importance of this river?" I asked 

"Well My Lady itrw is the source of water to cook,bathe,pray,swim and any other thing that we need it for. However this section of the itrw is only for royality. When Pharaoh was young before he became the Pharaoh he and his half sister and now wife Ankphesenpaaten used to swim in it and when his father would allow he'd boat in it."

I nodded "The water's beautiful Bennu...Can I take a dip?" I asked looking at the water

Bennu nodded "As you wish My Lady"

I smiled and walked towards the river bank dipping my feet in. I closed my eyes and my mind went back to the kiss.

What has he done to me?


Authors note:

Just incase you didn't know Itrw means river. I'm trying to make it historically acurrate as possible so if you notice anything off tell me!

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