Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Izzy, there's somebody that would like to speak to you." Mila announced once she stepped out of the room with Xavier attached to her hand. She could feel him squeeze her hand tightly at the mention of his daughter's name which she did in return. It was a silent reminder to her beau that she had his back. Izzy was a harmless kid and would accept her father for all that he was.

Xavier stood stiffly behind Mila in a trance. Men usually get six to nine months to prepare to meet their kids and when they meet them they are usually seven pounds, partially blind, and couldn't speak or walking. His Izzy however was a full grown little girl and could make her own decisions. Not to mention the fact that she was very capable of speaking and walking.

Izzy smiled her toothless smile that warmed Mila's insides. She took a step forward letting go of her mother's hand before charging towards her daddy's legs and wrapping her tiny arms around them. Xavier was taken back by her actions before his natural fatherly instincts kicked in. He scooped the little girl into his arms and sat her on top of his hip.

"Well, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Xavier, but you'll know me as Daddy, Dad, Pa, or whatever fits your bubble. Can I ask what's your name gorgeous?"

Izzy's grin grew wider at the fact that her father was actually talking to her. "My name is Izzy Charlotte Marie Crawford, but you can call me Izzy. Everybody calls me Izzy, but my mommy sometimes calls me munchkin or her hija." Izzy let out a giggle after telling him that, but Xavier seemed shocked. He turned his gaze to Val who stood in the corner quiet as a mouse.

"You gave her my name?" Val nodded her head in a quiet response to Xavier's question.

"I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something?" A confused Cassandra asked as she looked between  Val, Mila, Xavier, and Izzy. She clutched her pearl colored purse close to her chest that was covered by a matching colored tank top. The middle aged woman seemed surprised yet amused at the scene that had unfolded before her.

Mila turned her head to take a look at her boss. She had no idea that she was in the room until she spoke. The moment was too intense for any distractions to hold her attention somewhere else.

"Cassandra, I'm so sorry. I had no idea you were even standing there. No, you aren't interrupting anything at all. Let me show where the other guest are." Mila extended hand towards the living room, signaling for Cassandra to follow her. Her boss looked between Val, Xavier, and Izzy once more before following Mila into the living room and out the back door where the rest of the guest were.

"I have to say Ms. Hartfelt. You have a very interesting life." Cassandra spoke up once the two were outside with everyone else.

"Tell me about it." Mila sighed. Her life could really be written as a book. She was pretty it'd make a pretty entertaining story.

"So...How are you holding up? With recent turn of events, I'm sure you must be a wreck."

Mila took a seat in a patio chair near. Cassandra repeated her actions and sat her purse on a nearby table.

"To tell you the truth, I don't how I'm not on an airplane straight back to my hometown right now. If this were happening to any person, I'm pretty sure that would be the must logical thing for them to do at this time, but..."


"I can't leave. I can't just throw away all the good in my life just because some psycho crazy witch want to murder for god knows what. There's too many going on in my life for me to just run. Like for instance, my job and my relationship. Why should they suffer?"

Cassandra stared at Mila thoughtfully. "You have a good point. We should cherish the good in our lives. That I very much agree with. However, should those goods be cherished more than your life. What good will they be when you are six feet under? If what you're going through was happening to me, I'd be on a plane to Puerto Rico right now."

Mila glanced down at her feet. Maybe what Cassandra was telling her was true. She had been thinking about leaving for quiet some time now. At this point, she had not a clue who the person who was after her was or their motive. What was she suppose to do? Wait around until the killer decides it's time for her to meet her maker?

It was all too much for Mila to handle and even though she looked to be holding on strong on the  outside, she was really frightened on the inside. Her mind was juggling with so many scenarios and her dreams were making it harder for her to sleep through a night.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Cassandra spoke. She could tell that Mila was in deep though about what she had told her and she wanted to know what she was thinking about.

"Maybe, you're right."

"Oh dear, I don't want to be right, but sometimes we let go of our logic in favor of other things that we want. Sometimes those other things have bad consequences to them. No matter how good they seem or how good they make you feel."

Mila nodded her head at Cassandra's words. She had a lot of thinking to do and a huge decision to make. Was she going to stay in California and be a danger to herself and the ones that she loved or leave?

"I think I might have drunk a bit too much before arriving here. Pardon me while I go take a trip to the restroom." Cassandra excused herself before grabbing her purse and walking back towards the house. Leaving a heartbroken Mila behind her.

Awww. Poor Mila. Somebody needs to come save her! Lol.

Tell me what you guys think about this chapter. I absolutely love reading you guys feedback and your love for this story warms my heart. You guys are the best! Thank you for supporting me and this book.

Until Next Time.

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