Chapter Twenty-Three

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Mila let out a long sigh as she sat down in a tub located in Xavier's guest's bathroom that was connected to the guest bedroom. Laying her head back, Mila stared up at the maroon colored tiled ceiling. Her head was throbbing and she rubbed her temples to ease the pain. The recent events were taking a toll on her body.

"Fuck my life." She blurted out. She didn't know exactly when her life turned into a horror film, but whatever was happening needed to stop. Whoever was stalking her needed to stop. The playing games needed to stop. It wasn't funny nor was it fun.

"I might have to go see a therapist afterall." Mila continued to speak to herself. She was sure that her creepy dreams weren't going to stop now. Especially not with the recent events laying heavily on her conscious. Mila was afraid to say that she was actually afraid to go to sleep. The thought of being chased by a deceased Jody was chilling on its own.

"Uh....Mila?" Xavier called out in the bathroom after knocking on the bathroom door.

"Yeah?" Mila sighed before picking up a bar of soap and a rag to clean the dirt off her body.

"I left some extra sheets on the bed. If you need anything else, my bedroom is right across the hall. By the way, you're very welcome to sleep with me if you want." Xavier told her. He smiled while saying the last sentence while Mila giggled in response to it.

"You tried it. I'm fine here tonight. Thanks again for letting us stay." Mila replied.

"You know I just had to try and you can stop thanking me. There was no way I was letting you guys stay there. Just do me a favor when you get done washing up, get you some sleep. You need it." Xavier told her in a soft but demanding tone. Mila rolled her eyes at him.

"I will dad. Goodnight." She replied sarcastically.

"Ayy, that's daddy to you." He corrected her causing her to snort.

"You laughing now, but you'll come to find yourself call- no no no no wait, screaming that to me often."

"Boy bye. You got a long way to go."

"Patience is a virtue, always remember that Mila." Said Xavier.

"Uh huh, goodnight Xavier."

"Goodnight baby." With that said, Xavier walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

Mila turned to look at herself in the mirror. She was sporting the widest grin ever. She was at awe at how much her mood brighten from speaking to Xavier. She did not know what he had that the others did not, but she knew it was something good or at least she was hoping it was something good.

Mila finished washing up and got ready for bed. She ended up falling asleep with a pair of hazel eyes in her mind and a smile on her face.

The next day, she woke up to the smell of something heavenly being cooked. She knew instantly that her mother had found Xavier's kitchen and she did not know whether to feel grateful to have a mother that could cook up a mean breakfast whenever she needed it or upset that her mom possibly did not ask Xavier's permission to be all up in his kitchen. She did not have time to contemplate though because today marked the second taping of Let's Be Real. She had to be at the studio to meet up with Val and the other girls soon.

Mila smiled at the memory of being told that the show would be airing next month. Apparently executives at BET really liked the pilot and wanted the show on air as soon as possible. After the second episode is taped, everything else would be filmed live. Mila was absolutely estatic about the show's good news. It proved her life was not completely shitty yet.

Shoving the covers off her body, Mila strected her limbs then stood up to go to the bathroom and do her daily routine. Once that was finished, Mila searched through her luggage of clothes to find something to wear to work. After an entire thirty minutes of searching, she decided on a black body suit and a white suit jacket to cover it. She put on some matching heels and combed through her hair til she was satisfied in the way that it looked.

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