Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Ok, call me when you guys are done taping. I'll be here as soon as possible and Mila please keep your phone on you at all times. This person is somebody you know. They could be in there just waiting for an opportunity. Promise me you'll call if you see anything suspicious."

Mila rolled her eyes as she unbuckled herself from the passenger seat in Xavier's car. "I'm not a baby, Xavier." She sighed before pulling down the sun visor and checking her hair.

Xavier watched her intently. The sexual tension between the two had been more apparent than ever, but they hadn't participated in any sexual festivities since Mila...well you know.

Mila pulled back up the sun visor in place before meeting Xavier's eyes. Her red lips formed into a grin.

"Relax baby. I will be fine." She tried to assure him. He seemed to have visibly untensed at her words which Mila felt glad about. Since the incident, all Xavier had been doing was stressing out about her. It upsetted Mila, but comforted her at the same time. She had never felt this way in her previous relationships.

"Remember the plan?" Xavier asked Mila as she grabbed her purse and pulled it on her shoulder. Mila nodded her head then stepped out the vehicle.

Of course she knew about the plan. How could she forget? They had to had went over a billion times over the course of the past fast days and Mila just hoped that it would help them discover who the perpetrator was.

The plan was to have a party at Xavier's and invite all the possible suspects, including all of Mila's colleagues. While there, Xavier and some of his cop buddies will begin to try to profile all of the attendees. Xavier had a theory that whoever was behind this was someone that Mila trusted and would never suspect in a million years. He figured that him and his friends might see something in her friends that she didn't.

It sounded like a good plan, but Mila didn't know wether it would work or not. Though, she was ready to try. She so dearly wanted to have her life back on track and would do anything to make it happen.

"Stop worrying so much." Mila told him as she leaned back into the car and gave him a nice peck on the lips.

"When it comes to you, that is an extremely hard task to do." He whispered on her lips.

"Well, you're just going to have to." Mila whispered back before getting back out the car and shutting the door. "Have a nice day at work baby." She waved before turning around and heading into the studio. Her black stiletto heels clicked and clacked on the pavement as she walked with her head held high. She felt incredibly confident in that moment.

Xavier watched her until she disappeared into the building. He let out a breath that he didn't even know that he was holding.

"Lord, what is this woman doing to me?" He asked to nobody but himself before pulling out of the parking and heading to the station where his mind would be on nothing but Mila Hartfelt.

Meanwhile, Mila would be on set, telling the girls about the party that her and Xavier were about to host.

"Hey girls!" Mila greeted with a wide grinned as she stepped into her dressing room. Why everybody was in there? She had know clue, but it did however make the announcement she was about to make much easier. She wouldn't have to make it more than once.

"Hey stranger! How you been?" Val smiled before taking a sip from her caramel frappocino that she had got from starbucks.

"What's up sexy?" Anita greeted as well, but Mila ignored them both before digging into her purse and pulling out some fliers she had recently made the night before.

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