Chapter Thirteen

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"Why are you so nervous?" Mila questioned Val as she walked back and forth in Mila's backstage room.

They were on set to film the first Let's Be Real episode and Mila was completely ecstatic to say the least. Val on the other hand seemed straight up terrified. She was damn near ready to have an anxiety attack.

"I can't believe I'm actually going to be on TV. It hasn't really hit me until now." She panted.

Mila stood up from her seat in front of her mirror. She embraced Val in a hug and ensured her that everything would be just fine. They were only filming. It's not like they would be live and if anything went wrong it could easily be edited out.

"Are you sure?" Val searched Mila's eyes for any doubt in her claims.

"Positive." Mila smiled genuinely.

"Thanks MiMi."

"No problem."

At that moment, a backstage worker knocked on the door and yelled that it was show time. Mila responded that they would be out soon.

"Welp, it's showtime my girl. You'll be fine." Mila tried to instill in Val once more before walking out into the hetic backstage area and approaching the main stage. Valerie was hot on her trails and admired Mila's confidence from behind.

Both women's heel clicked against the hardwood floor as they neared the table that their other co-workers were aready seated at. The four had all met each other for the first time three days ago.

"Hi girls." Mila greeted as she took her seat next to Val's.

"Hey sexy." Anita answered as her eyes roamed Mila's figure.

Anita was a dark skinned woman with a hair length similar to Mila's, but it was a light chestnut brown compared to Mila's black hair.

She dressed so girly with a pink dress on and some matching heels, you wouldn't expect her to be gay or at least bi. Thats what she told Mila the other day.

"Hey guys." Courtney grinned as she pushed her weave behind her ear. She looked radiating in an all white attire.

"So you ladies ready to put on a show? I know you guys just met but y'all look like the best of friends. Ok, curtains are about to open for the audience. Just be as natrual as you can and relax. Alright and, 5....4....3....." Cassandra spoke softly from the sideline and faded her words to the point where she had to count the rest of the numbers with her hand.

The curtains opened up and the show's theme music began to play.

Mila took a deep breathe.

Here goes nothing, she thought.


"Today was a great day ladies." Courtney cheered as she raised her glass of wine in the air to clink it with the other girls'.

The four decided to eat dinner together once they were done taping the first episode that happened to went very well. All ladies got great reception from the audience. Mila was confident that the show would be a hit with the right promotion.

"I told you that you had nothing to worry about. The audience loved you." Mila whispered in Val's ear causing her to giggle and wave her off.

Anita eyed them from the other side of the table. She brought her glass to her lips as her eyes ran over Mila's figure for what seem like the hundredth time that day. She definitely had her eye out for her and had already started plotting on ways to get the woman in her bed. Mila might have thought she was straight, but Anita was determined to turn her out.

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