Chapter Twenty-Two

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Mila sat in the same exact seat she sat in almost five months ago when she had been interrogated about finding Jody's lifeless body. Officer Jones sat across from her with a pen and paper, so that he could write down her answers to all of his questions. He leaned back in his seat and analyzed Mila's features. It was obvious to him that she did not want to be there, but what normal citizen would?

Here she was, being questioned like a criminal once again for a crime she did not commit and to put on top of that, Jody's murderer could probably be after her as well. It scared Mila shitless that someone could possibly be watching her every move and she had no clue on who. Her and Jody had no connections with each other except for the fact they worked at the same place.

Mila let out a fustrated sigh, before asking Officer Jones if they were done talking. He had not ask her anything in a few minutes. They were just sitting and staring at each other in a awkward silence.

Officer Jones cleared his throat and sat up straight in his chair. "You are good to go, Ms. Hartfelt. Thank you for your cooperation and patience. I know this stuff can get overbearing." He exclaimed.

Mila nodded her head before standing up to leave the interrogation room. She was however stopped in her tracks when Officer Jones said one more thing to her.

"I'm going to have to ask you not to go back home though. We do not know if the suspect is still around and it would not be a smart thing to be there."

Mila nodded her head once again at his statement and continued on her way out the room. Outside, Xavier was waiting for her in a black steele chair across from the interrogation room door. He stood up instantly when he saw Mila.

"Hi." Mila smiled at him tiredly. She was beyond weary and could not wait to fall asleep, but where was the question ringing in her brain. She had no idea where she was going to go and kept in mind that she was with her mother.

"Hey." Responded Xavier. He gave her an assuring smile and closed the space between them. He pulled her to a hug and wrapped his arms around her.

Mila laid her head against his chest and inhaled his masculine scent. She felt comfort in the warmth of his arms.

"I'm scared." Mila blurted out.

Xavier ran his hands up and down her back soothingly. He shushed her before pulling away to stare down in her eyes.

"Listen, I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Everything is going to be fine. I got you baby."

"You promise?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die."

Mila giggled as Xavier made a cross over his heart. "You're such a goof." She told him.

"Yeah, but you like this goof." He claimed before pulling her back into his arms and stealing a kiss.

Mila wrapped her arms around his neck and gently pushed his head down to deepen the kiss. She stuck her tongue in his mouth and rubbed it against his. The two liplocked for a couple of minutes before a person cleared their throat.

Embarrassed, Mila gasped. She hid her face in Xavier's chest as a chuckle rumbled through his throat.

"Well then. I suspected the two of you guys had something going on when I seen the way y'all interacted back at the house, but now I know it's true. Damn Xavier, why didn't you tell me?" Martin stated as he smiled devilishly at thw two.

Mila turned head around on Xavier's chest and rolled her eyes at him. Her and Xavier weren't official yet.

"He doesn't need to report his life to you." She sassed.

Martin lift his hands up in surrender. "I see you girl. You better protect your man privacy." He joked making Mila laugh.

"So...." Martin began as he looked between Xavier and Mila.

"So...." Mila mimiced.

"When is the wedding?"

"There is no wedding....yet." Xavier exclaimed and Mila gave him a side eye.

"I hate to break this love fest up, but I need to find out where my mom is so we can find a place to stay tonight." Mila sighed.

"You can stay with me." Offered Xavier, making Mila look at him weirdly.

Mila admitted to herself that she liked Xavier, but she did not think it was appropriate for them to be staying under the same roof. They still weren't official and it would kind of awkward with her mom mixed in. Mila didn't think she could handle of it. It was too much.

"Don't give me that look." Xavier told Mila as she bit her lip. He knew she was overthinking things and nothing good ever came out of her overthinking.

"Don't you think that'll be...weird? I mean, I'm with my mother and I don't want us to intrude. We can stay in a hotel for a couple of days. It will be fine." Argued Mila, but Xavier wasn't haven't it. To him, it was completely stupid and unfair for her to have to pay to stay somewhere because her home was broken into.

"There is nothing weird with me being a good person and giving you a place to stay. You're not a complete stranger and I would love your's and your mother's company. I'm not taking no for an answer so if there is anything left that you're trying to say, save it. You're staying at mines until it is safe for you to go back home."

Mila was taken back by the bass in his tone. He still held a calm demeanor, but his tone made Mila know that he meant business and it slighyly turned her on. She pouted at him, knowing that she was not going to get her way this time.

"I need to tell my mom and we need to go back to mine to grab some things." She stated. Xavier nodded and responded with, "That's fine, but your mother is already here. She knows what happened."

"She's in the office area. Follow me and I'll show." Spoke up Martin who beckoned for Mila and Xavier to follow his footsteps into the office area.

Once Mila's figure appeared in her mother's sight, she was instantly attacked and pulled into her mother's arms. Mrs. Hartfelt rocked them back and forth.

"Mila are you ok? I was worried sick." Mrs. Hartfelt spoke, letting go of her daughter. She examined Mila's facial features and could tell that she was tired and needed a good nights sleeps.

"I'm fine momma. Listen, we're staying at Xavier's for the night...." Mila began ti explain to her mother before she was interrupted by Xavier.

"Until it's safe for you stay in that house."

Mila rolled her eyes and continued to speak. "Like I was saying, we are staying at Xavier's and we are about to go back home to grab some things."

Mrs. Hartfelt nodded her head in understanding then looked between her daughter and Xavier. She was more than happy with the joining,  but would not show her appreciation until later. Right now was clearly not the time.

"Alrighty, let's go." Xavier announced as he led the two women to the safety of his vehicle. Little did they know they were far from safe. Especially since there was someone watching them without them knowing.

Alright, quick update before I go to work. Tell me what you think. Comment, vote, and share. Enjoy your Fridays.

Until next time.

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