Chapter Twenty-Five

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🚨Warning mature content is ahead.🚨

"That was a great show today girls." Val beamed after she clinked her wine glass with her colleague's as they all sat around a round table in a resturant.

Mila leaned back in her chair and took a sip of the red wine that filled her glass. She could feel that woman staring a hole in the side of her head, but she tried her best to ignore it. Anita would eventually get over the little crush she had on her. It was more than clear that Mila was not interested.

Mila sighed as she looked around the table. Everybody seemed happy and she felt out of place. She could only blame herself for her lack of happiness though. She had been depriving herself from seeing, speaking, or being near Xavier which was a hard task since she was staying across from his room. She was avoiding him and by doing so it was making her feel an emotion that she could not put her finger on. Whatever it was, she knew it was no where near to happiness and the only way to solve her problem was by speaking to Xavier.

That was a issue in itself though. If Mila spoke to Xavier, that would mean she would have to apologize to him and it's not like she didn't want to. It was just the fact that Mila knew Xavier would want an explanation for her behavior. Telling him that, would mean telling him about all her deepest secrets and she wasn't ready for that. Especially when a reminder of those secrets is walking around the house as well.

So, Mila decided that she would avoid speaking to Xavier to avoid him from finding out about her thoughts which (in her mind) would avoid him from leaving her. The whole situation was very ironic.

"MiMi, is everything ok? You seem depressed." Val whispered in Mila's ear and her words caused for Mila to have an eureka moment.

Val was absolutely right. Mila was depressed. That was the emotion she had been feeling.

"I think I might need a shrink." Mumbled Mila as she stared into space.

"What was that?" Val questioned since Mila was speaking really low.

Mila cleared her throat and placed on a fake smile. "I said I think I need another drink. This wine is great here."

Val looked at Mila oddly. She knew that something was up and made a mental to note to talk to Mila in private later. Val could only imagine what was going on in her friend's head with what she had been through as of late.

Val opened her mouth to suggest that her and Mila go some place else until she felt her phone begin to vibrate in her lap. She read the caller ID to see that it was her private investigator calling. Her heart skipped a beat. She hastily excused herself from the table before nearly running outside to take the call.

"Does she have squirls in her pants or what?" Anita joked.

"I wonder who called her. It seemed pretty important." Courtney chimed in.

"Maybe Mila would know. I mean, you two are best friends. Are you not?" Asked Anita in a bit of a jealous tone which confused Mila.

Anita couldn't possibly think that there was something going on between her and Val. That would be super gross for one and two, Mila and Val don't swing that way or at least she could say that for herself.

"I think I'm going home for the night. See you guys later and tell Val I said bye." Mila told them as she stood up and put on her jacket.

"Well, bye sexy!" Anita beamed to which Mila just rolled her eyes and began to walk her way out of the establishment.

She decided to go out a different door than Val to avoid seeing her. Mila had a feeling that the latina knew something was up and she really did not want to talk about it. All she wanted to do was sulk in bed and eat chocolate brownies while watching Love Jones.

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