Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Mila sat on the sidewalk in front of the local Planet Fitness. She watched as her car was being towed away forever. Her heart sinked as she reread the bloody colored words on her window sheild.

You're next.

Those two words haunted Mila as her car drove away from her sight. She stared at her feet. She could feel the back of her eyes start to sting with the familiar feeling of tears.

Mila was beyond frightened now. There was somebody out for her life and she did not know who. It was a scary situation and she was beginning to think that nobody could save her.

A small sob came out her mouth as a morbid thought came to her mind.   What if she doesn't live to see her thirties? What if she was never meant to meet or be with Mr. Right? What if...she was meant to die a lonley woman?

"Mila." Xavier said her name in a comforting tone. He rushed to the scene as soon as he got the call. His heart ached as he seen teardrops begin to fall from her eyes. He reached over and wiped away some of the tears.

"Baby don't cry. Everything is going to be alright." He tried to assure her, but Mila didn't want to hear that.

"I'm going to die." She sobbed.

Xavier quickly responded by pulling her into his lap and placing his arms around her firmly.

"Nobody is going to lay a hand on you. Nobody, do you hear me? I'm not going to let it happen."


"But nothing. Whoever wants you is going to have to get through me. I'm not letting you out of my sight from now on. I'm going to take you to work and I'll pick you up." Xavier told her as he rocked them gently back and forth.

Mila didn't say anything else. She just layed her head on his chest and enjoyed the warmth his body gave her.

"I just can't fucking believe this." Malcolm yelled as he approaced the couple. The two lifted their heads up as Malcolm hovered over them.

"I was just talking to some of your cop friends and guess what they told me. Not a single fucker has seen anything which is insane. It's fucking broad day light out here. Somebody had to seen something and MiMi, the person broke your windows. Why didn't the alarm go off?" Malcolm ranted.

Mila sat up in Xavier's arms. Malcolm had just asked a good question. Her alarm should have gone off at the slightest touch which was strange. The stalker surely could not have had time to slash her windows and hotbox the car.

"You don't think?"

"Check the bag."

Mila scurried off of Xavier's lap to rummage through her gym bag. Surely enough, her keys were missing.

"Son of a bitch." Mila mumbled as she came to the realization that the stalker was in there witg them tge whole entire time.

"There has to be some footage. I'm going go ask whoever in charge to let us see the security camera. I'll be right back." Exclaimed Xavier as he disappeared into the building.

Malcolm took his spot beside Mila who was on the verge of having a mental meltdown.

"They were here the whole time and we didn't even know." She blurted out her thoughtsn

"We dealing with a sneaky ass killer."

"You mean me? I'm the one who they want for god knows what."

"No, I mean we. This bastard is going to fight us to get you. You're not in this alone MiMi, I promise you." Malcolm promised and he meant it. Mila was like a blood sister to him and he was her big brother. He be damned if anything was to happen to her.

"I still think it's somebody you know." He continued and Mila groaned.

"Malcolm." She stated in warningly tone.

"MiMi, your life is on the line. I'm not saying this Val chick is the killer, but she sure as hell is a suspect. That goes for all your co-workers, your exes, associates, shoot hell, me and Rae need to be put on the list. Listen to me, trust no one and I mean no one."

Mila sighed. What Malcolm was saying was true. She didn't need to have a levelheaded mind. She no longer had any space for trust. For now on, everybody was a suspect.

"Guys come here. You got to see this." Xavier called from the entrance to the gym. Mila and Malcolm stood to their feet and followed him back into the facility.

Mila dreaded every step that she took. She didn't know what they would see from the footage. She just hoped she'd get a clue ot somethinh that would help her connect the dots.

Xavier brought them into a dark room with camera equipment everywhere.

"This that shit you see on movies." Commented Malcolm as he say in a vacant chair. Mila did the same and so did Xavier.

"Play it again." Xaviet commanded to the worker Mila had just realized was standing in there with them.

The latino male quickly did what he was told and pressed the play button.

The four of them watched as a person dressed in an all black attire sashayed towards Mila car. They unlocked her car with her keys before throwing them out into the distance. The then took the sledge hammer that they were holding in the other hand and started to go ham on Mila's windows.

Once they were done with that, they disappeared for a few minutes before returning with a bucket of crimson red paint. They dabbed a paint brush into the bucket and just before they started to paint, they stared up at the camera. Nobody could make out who the person was since they had on a mask.

The person point to the camera then started to paint the deadly message before disappearing for good.

Mila was speechless after watching the footage. Whoever that person was, they knew exactly what they were doing.

"We didn't get anything out of that." Mila stated in a disappointing tone.

"Yes we did." Xavier corrected her. His eyes were still on the screen.

"Am I'm missing something?"

"Look at those hips. They clearly belong to a woman and the fact that she taunted further proves that she is. A male wouldn't do that." Xavier explained to her hand an image of Val instantly came to her mind.

Trust nobody.

Hey guys, hoped you liked this chapter. It's really getting heated now.

Who do you think the killer is? I think I know what you guys think. Actually, I know. However, are you sure?

Anyways, I have another book titled Perplexed. I'd really appreciate it if you guye check that book out. I think you might love it. I just updated it.

Well, I'm done talking.

Until Next Time.

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