Chapter Sixteen

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"Bryson, if you kill me, I am coming back to murder you in your sleep Freddy Krueger style. I'm just letting you know now." Mila stated as she blindly walked in the woods with Bryson and some other people.

Bryson held her waist as he guided her carefully to their destination. He was estatic for the night to come and was sure that Mila would have a great time. The date tonight was the only thing keeping him perky throughout the day. There was something about Mila that made his heart skip a beat.

"Am I going down some steps now?" Mila asked as her heels began to click on a stone surface.

"Yes, now be careful. We are almost there."

The two continued down the steps and once they were at the bottom, Bryson took away her black blindfold that he made her put on after parking his car. Mila didn't like the fact that he wanted her to wear one, but complied anyway.

"Wow. Bryson this place is beautiful." Mila gasped at the scenery.

Bryson had brought her to, what he liked to call, his secret place. He only brought women he was really feeling to this place.

It was an open dance floor scattered with flowers and green neon lit lanters. A water fountain sat in the middle of the floor and buffet tables were at the foot of the floor.

A stereo blasted some Ariana Grande song that Mila liked. She thought it was called, One Last Time, or something like that.

"Yo, Bryson!" A male voice called out from the other side of the floor. Mila recognized the male as one of the people that arrived when they did. He was a tall muscular hispanic dude with very tan skin.

Bryson grabbed Mila's hand and walked over the stage like floor to his friend, Tate. "Hey man. How's it going?" He greeted once they were near each other. The two men shook hands and hugged.

"Not much, but who is this hottie over here?" Tate smiled before grabbing Mila's hand and kissing her knuckles. "Hola, me llamo Tate Hernandez. Y tú?"

Mila smiled widely as she was flattered by Tate's compliment. Though, she couldn't help to think what he meant by that last part.

"I asked your name darling." Tate stated after seeing the confusion etched on Mila's face.

Mila's mouth formed into an O shape as she nodded her head. "My name is Mila. Mila Hartfelt." She stated shyly. She was a bit embarrassed by her lack of knowledge in spanish.

You would think after taking Spanish three times in high school and again in college, the woman would know something as simple as that. Then again, she barely passed all those classes.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful chica." Tate complimented again and Mila smiled. She liked him so far.

Bryson cleared his throat before pulling Mila closer to him. "Eyes off my merchandise." He joked but with a serious undertone.

"Awww, is the poor baby Bryson insecure that I might steal his love away. Well, you should be. I am one sexy motherfucker." Tate exclaimed as he licked the tip of his thumb and swiped his eyebrow.

"More like one annoying ass motherfucker." Scoffed Bryson.

"Is that my man, Dylan? Oh look. He brought along my favorite hot mamacita." Blurted Tate as he seen the couple walking the trio's way over Bryson's shoulder.

Mila turned to see a bubbly Dylan and a not so bubbly Val coming their way. She frowned and wandered what could be on Val's mind.

"Hey guys." Bryson stated as they came to a halt infront of them. He brought Dylan into a bro hug while Mila embraced Val.

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