Chapter Six

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"MILA! GET IN MY OFFICE NOW!" I jumped at the sound of Jody's voice.

Instantly, I shot up from out of my seat and damn neared ran in my heels into her office. Shutting the door behind me, I turned to see my red in the face boss. To say she was pissed, would be an understatement. She looked like she was going to murder me.

"Y-yes Jody." I stuttered, frightened by the murderous gleam in her dark almost black eyes. I pressed my back against the door and opted not to remove my hand away from the knob. If she made any advances towards me, I was prepared to run like hell away from her.

Jody sneered at me before throwing her laptop off her desk in a fit of rage. This deepened my fear of her.

"YOU STUPID BITCH! YOU LET THEM KILL ME! HOW COULD YOU LET THEM KILL ME!" She screamed before grabbing a nearby book and chucking it at my face. I barely dodged the book before falling on my knees. Tears began to prick at my eyes.

"W-what do you mean Jody? I didn't do anything to you." I croaked. I had no idea where this anger towards me was coming from or what she was talking about. I didn't let anybody kill her. She wasn't dead.

"LIAR! YOU LET THEM KILL ME! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT MILA! I LOVED YOU LIKE A DAUGHTER AND YOU STABBED ME IN THE BACK! NOW I WILL DO THE SAME TO YOU." My heart stopped as I noticed the sharp shiny silver material in Jody's hand. I hurriedly reached for the door knob as she slowly began advancing towards me. My heart beating faster with each step she took.

Jody sported the most horrifying sinister smile on her face as she raised the knife in her hands. She cocked her head to the side before stating coldly, "There's no use in crying now. You killed me. Its only fair that I return the favor."

I screamed as Jody forcefully stabbed the knife into my chest. I felt as blood trickled from my body as I fell onto the floor, clutching the knife in my hands. My vision was getting blurry but I could still see Jody as she stood over me with that same evil smile painted on her face. The smile still horrified me but it was something else on her body that horrified me even more. Blood was trickling from her body. The same place that she had stabbed me.

"How does it feel to die Mila?" Those were the last words I heard from Jody before my vision blackened and I felt nothing.


Mila shot up from under her covers. Panting, she held her hand on her chest where she felt her heart beating at a rapid pace. The same place on her chest where the vengeful Jody in her dream just stabbed her. Thank God it was just a dream because if not, Mila would be dead sitting in a pool of her own blood right now.

After catching her breath, Mila rubbed her tired eyes then examined her room. There was light coming through her windows meaning that it was morning, but not too early in the morning since the light wasn't that bright. The sun was still making it's way up.

Sighing at the realization that she had slept through the entire rest of yesterday, Mila pushed the covers off of her sweaty body. She needed to take a shower, a very hot and long shower.

Walking towards her dresser, she grabbed one of her many Minnie Mouse graphic tees, some underwear, a pair of jeans and made her way into her bathroom. Mila sat the clothes on her counter and started to run the water. She waited a few minutes for it to get warm before stripping off her dirty clothes and hopping into the tub.

As she washed her body, images of her dream ran through her mind. She didn't understand the meaning behind it. Why would she dream about her dead boss murdering her? Was it guilt? It shouldn't have been. Mila knew well that Jody's murder was not her fault, but maybe her subconscious felt some other way. Whatever it was, she just hoped it didn't cause another terrifying dream like that.

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