Chapter Five

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Mila woke up abruptly from hearing someone bamming on her door. She rubbed her tired eyes then grabbed her phone that had fell on the foor. Checking the time, Mila asked herself who could be at her house this early in the morning. It was 5 AM.


"Would you please be quiet. People are still asleep." Mila heard a male voice speak from the otherside. She couldn't quiet decipher who the voice belong to since they were seperating by walls. Sighing, Mila got up and walked sleepily over to her door. She swung it open to meet face to face with a pissed off Raegan and awkwardly looking Malcolm.

"What are you guys doing here this early?" She asked tiredly.

Malcolm and Raegan looked at each other. "She doesn't know." Stated Malcolm to Raegan who just nodded her head in agreeance. A confused Mila asked them what was it that she did not know.

Raegan bit her lip before stepping beside Mila to go sit on her tan colored couch. Rubbing her belly through her sundress, she told Mila that she might want to sit down as well. Mila didn't understand what was happening and glanced at Malcolm for an answer. He just shrugged his shoulders before following Raegan's actions.

"Take a seat sweetcheeks." He said.

Mila sighed before shutting her door shut and doing what the two said to. She sat criss crossed on her couch beside Raegan then waited for them to explain why they were there.

The two didn't say a peep.

Mila gazed at her pregnant friend who continued to rub her belly. Raegan had on a plain black sundress, some silver sandals and her brown hair was pulled up in a messy bun.

Mila wondered how she managed to get out of the house this early. Surely Terrance would not have been in agreeance with it.

Continuing to stare at her friend, she realized that Raegan wasn't going to be the one to start talking. She layed her eyes on Malcolm who was laying back in her slipper chair, staring at the ceiling. He was clad in a black and white striped shirt, a pair of faded jeans, and some tennis shoes.

"Did you guys come over here to disturb the peace and play the quiet game or am I missing something here?" An annoyed Mila blurted out. Somebody need to spill and they needed to do it quickly.

Malcolm sighed before grabbing his iphone out of his back pocket. He swiped through apps until he found Youtube and typed in TMZ. After finding the video he was looking for, he pressed play then handed the device to Mila. She was confused on why he was showing her a TMZ video but watched to find out what it had to do with herself. She quickly got her answer once a familar face and name popped up.

"Derick! Derick! Have you've gotten the news about your ex Mila Hartfelt finding her boss dead in her office. What do you think about the situation?" A female pap asked him before he entered the entrance of the airport. Derick was holding the hand of the same girl Mila saw him with earlier yesterday and he turned to smile at the camera being thrown in his face. "You don't want to know what I think." He stated. "Oh yes we do." A male pap chimed in. Derick chuckled darkly before stating, "Mila Hartfelt is a cold hearted souless gold digging bitch. I wouldn't be surprised if she murdered poor Ms.Richardson herself. She always use to talk about how she wanted In Color to be hers."

Mila gasped clapping a hand to her mouth, dropping Malcolm's phone in the process.

"THAT'S AN IPHONE 6s!" Malcolm whined at her before grabbing his phone to check to see if it had any cracks or scratches on it. Raegan gave him a death glare. Malcolm just rolled his eyes at her. He paid too much money on that phone for it to be dropped like it was nothing.

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