Summer's POV

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I looked down at my hands, they were stained a deep crimson red colour and it seemed as if all the soap in the world coloun't get rid of the blood.

I could hardly remember what happened after Mr Black had stabbed himself.

After Sam had gone to stab him first..

I was so scared and uncertain of what was happening. I could remember Sam picking me up and putting me in the car, he wrapped a blanket around my shaking shoulders.

I couldn't breath as Sam drove, I had just witnessed a murder attempt and a suicide. I had lost everything in a matter of minutes.

But there was no turning back now. As I looked over to Sam I wondered what the hell he was thinking. He had just see his own father kill himself. I couldn't imagine how he was feeling and their last words to each other.

I shuddered as I thought about what it must have taken for Sam not to have slashed his dad's face as he admitted he had never loved his own son.

How could you not love your own son, it make me sick to think about how I would feel if my parents had told me the same thing.

"Sam.." I rested my hand on his arm gently. He hit it away ferociously anger radiating off of his body.

"Leave me alone Summer," he said not taking his eyes off the road.

I decided to leave it at that for now but we would talk later, we had to.

My phone began to ring again.

I didn't know what I should do, did I pick it up and say, "Hi it's Summer I've been involved in a murder/suicide and then left the dead body, how are you?" 

I didn't freaking think that would go down well.

"PICK IT UP." Sam said his voice emotionless. 

"Hi,"m I said into my phone.

"Hey Sum," Two voices called. 

OMG it was Louise and Hannah what the hell was I going to say to them.

"Summer you still there??"

"Um yeah sorry, I just got distracted."

I heard them laugh.

"So you free tonight, Declan and Gavin are throwing a party tonight, we HAVE to go!!!" They screamed down the phone.

Both Louise and Hannah had huge crushes on those guys Hannah was cute and her and Declan belonged together.

Louise on the other hand denied liking him and to be honest I knew she could do much better.

"Um sorry guys I'm kinda busy..." I didn't know what else to say.

"Summer seriously......" They moaned.

"sorry guys it's a no can do." 

"Sam might be there," the said obviously they had no clue.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny??" They asked.

"Ha ha um I don't thin k Sam will be there tonight, look I'm sorry guys have fun though i'll call you later." I said and hung up quickly before they could object.

If only they knew the truth...

"Who was it?" Sam asked me.

"Hannah and Louise." I said keeping my voice cold just like Sam's.

"We're here." I looked around I had been so busy with my phone call I hadn't been paying attention to where we were driving.

"Where is here??" I asked.

Sam looked at me confused and then said, "Summer you're home."



Love ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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