Summer's POV

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His eyes were like those of a wolves. 

Focused, watching and ready to attack.

"Sam," I asked tentatively. Some thing was going on in his mind and I was terrified to find out what it was.

"Run away..."  They were only to little words but they held so much emotion and hurt inside that I felt even my toes quiver in fear.

I knew Sam and once he set his mind to something nothing could change it.

"Sam, we cant just run away..." I tried to reason with him.

" Why the hell not, Summer he's a monster."

"But Sam..."

But what, do you want to live with the physio path who abused me all my life??" His voice was harsh and cold.

"No of course not, but this might make things worse." I didn't want to fight with Sam but we couldn't just leave, could we...

"Summer, we are leaving and to be honest I don't give a crap what you think right now pack your bags we are leaving." His eyes were as sharps as knives as he spoke.


"SHUT UP!!!!" He shouted in my face.

Tears began falling down my face again, I didn't know what to do.

If I left then I would loose the only home I had and the good life I thought I had been living.

But if I stayed I would loose Sam.

That fact made up my mind, I hurriedly began shoving clothes into my school bag as I didn't have time to get a proper bag.

Two pairs of jeans, Four T-shirts, bras, pants and socks and an extra pair of shoes.

I had no idea how long we would be away for but with what I had packed I hoped it wouldn't be that long.

A girl has needs.

Sam came back after a few seconds he too had a small back pack over his shoulder and he was frowning.

"Whats wrong??" I asked, this was what he wanted so why was he upset.

"This is wrong, it should be him that have to leaves not us." Sam sighed.

"Look Sam it's OK, lets just go." I pulled his hand and led him out of my room.

But then heard his voice, Mr Black was back.

"Summer, sweetheart is that you," he called up the stairs.

I felt sick rise in my throat, the man had the nerve to call me sweetheart it made me physically ill.

 I turned to Sam for instruction.

Sam said nothing but held my hand even tighter and led me down the stairs.

"Summer, what are you doing with Sam???"

I felt so trapped and began to cry.

"Whatever that stupid boy has told you is lies." He began.

"LIES ITS ALL LIES!!!!!!!!!!!" He shouted as I cried even more.

He took a step closer to us.

"Sam let her go and she wont be hurt..." He threatened.

I felt faint I was going to die, my life was going to end right here right now.

"Stay the freak away from her." Sam took a step forward. His father did the same until they were only inches apart.

"Sam, ill give you one last chance or ill kill her." His voice was full of hatred and anger.

I felt my knees go weak as I collapsed onto the floor.

"Plea...Please... Please let us go..." I cried.

MR Black sneered at me.

"So freaking pathetic, at least Sam doesn't beg for mercy."

He took a step towards me and slapped me hard across the face.

I screamed, I raised my hands to my cheek holding my throbbing face that now showed the hand print of the man I used to trust with my life.

Now he was going to end it.

Seriously Karma is a bitch.



Love ya xxxxx

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