Summer's POV

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Don't you just love, love? Its so pure and perfect. To love someone feels amazing, to be loved by someone else is great but to be in love with someone well that's the most special thing of all. Or least that's what they tell you in books...

In real life though its another freaking story. True love only exists in fairy tales and I bet even Cinderella wishes she had another prince charming. The truth is that love sucks. Ok don't get me wrong having fun with someone is great until someone says those fatal words.... I love you in!!! In my opinion those words should be banned from use. If Sam had never said those three little words none of this would have ever happened but as they say the heart wants.what the heart wants right ??? Ha ha yeah, wrong !!!

My heart wanted my parents to live, my heart wanted what every little girl wants. To have the perfect family, where mummy and daddy love each other very much and they treat their daughter like a princess. But sadly my life will never be like this. They say your heart cant ever really break that physically its impossible but trust me if a doctor was to check mine out he would have to strongly disagree.

Imagine your a six year old girl. Your looking forward to starting school next week and your planning your first ever sleep over with your best friend. You have no worries and no doubts. The only problems you have in life are worrying what Santa will bring you for Christmas and who will get to eat the last muffin. 

Now imagine its a week later, your being forced to move to a strangers house, to live with a man you have never met and become friends with his a son, a boy who will later change your life. Your parents are dead, they have been killed in a freak collision with an on coming lorry. You are alone. Six years old and have you have no one to turn to. 

Hard to imagine right, well not for me... 

For me this is the start of my worthless life.



Love ya xxx

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