Summer's POV

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When I woke up the next morning my face was buried in someones chest their arms wrapped around me. 

I went to scream when I remembered the night before.


I was in his bed with him.

With him in his bed.

OMG I thought to myself what have I done...

I jumped out of his arms at lightning speed. I heard him moan slightly but he stayed asleep.

He looked so beautiful and vulnerable as he slept. When he slept he was no longer the Sam I knew and feared. 

After last night he was just a broken and abused boy who needed some love and as much as I wanted it to me that gave him that love I was too scared.

Years of fighting and hating each other doesn't just go away in one night.

I opened his bedroom door and began walking back to my own room when I heard footsteps on the landing behind me.

"Summer?" I turned around and found myself standing face to face with Mr Black.

"What were you just doing in Sam's room?" he asked his voice strained as if he was about to loose his temper.

"UM nothing.." I said, I wasn't sure if he knew about Sam being abused and I doubted he would be comfortable with the fact I had spent the night in his bed.

"Really Summer, don't think you can lie to me, I'll always find out the truth one way or another." He looked at me with a sinister smile.

I took a step back my hand resting on my door knob.

I had always loved Mr Black he had been kind enough to take me in as a young girl and raise me like his own daughter but this was a side of him I had never seen before and it scared the hell out of me.

It seemed everyone in this family was hiding secrets and I was like always the last to know.

He gave me one last chance to speak but I remained silent so he turned and walked away towards Sam room.

As I way down on my own bed I hoped I hadn't gotten Sam into trouble with his Dad.

I decided to take a shower to wash away all the negative thoughts that were going around in my head. 

I stepped into the shower turning the heat up as hot as it would go.

I loved the feeling of the boiling hot water burning over my flesh. It always made me feel like the bad layers on my skin had been burnt away and I left the shower feeling like a new person and a hundred times better.

I left my room a towel wrapped loosely around my body I stepped out onto the landing and began making my way back to my room again, when I suddenly stopped.

I could hear loud and angry voices coming from Sam's room.

I paused, I knew this was supposed to be a private conversation but they were really getting pissed off at each other and shouting loudly so if I accidentally overheard it wouldn't be my fault.

At least not completely.

"Your a pathetic , lying brat!!" Mr Black screamed.

I was stunned, this wasn't the man I knew.

"I swear I didn't tell her, I swear,I swear..." Sam's voice sounded husky like he was trying not to cry.

Wait was I the her??

What had Sam supposedly told me, I felt so freaking confused, what the hell was going on.

"I don't believe you, you ruined her life Sam,it's your fault. I warned you but you told her anyway. Bad Boy, Bad Bad Sam," Mr Blacks voice had suddenly gone deathly quiet and then there was no sound at all.

I was terrified, I had thought Sam was the monster but Mr Black truly seemed evil.

My hands were shaking and I could hardly stand and then I heard it.

The loud crack that echoed through the house. The loud smack that was followed by a haunting scream.

Sam's scream.

Tears started flooding down my cheeks cascading like a waterfall. I bit my lips hard to stop myself from sobbing.

I had never felt so disgusted in my life, my body began to shiver uncontrollably and I fell to the floor. And as the world around me began to go all fuzzy I had one last thought.

Sam's abuser was his Dad....

Then everything went black.



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