Summer's POV

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Soft warm lips touched mine, they tasted like salty tears.

I tired to sit up but my head hurt like a freaking rock had fallen on top of it.

All the blood had seemed to rush to my lips when who ever it was kissed me and I felt very light headed.

"Lie back down, your okay," a soothing voice instructed me.

I did as I was told.

Where was I...

Then all the memorises came flooding back, the shouting, the screaming, the bruises and scars Sam had, the punch, his dad being his abuser, I stood up quickly and leaned over searching for my bin.

I found it and instantly threw up in it. I sat back a minute later wiping the repulsive sick from my face.

 Sam hand was on my back, his fingers moving in gentle circles causing my skin to tingle from his touch.

I sat back lying my head against his chest.

"Do you want to know why??"  Sam didn't even have to say the words, do you want to know why my father abuses me it was just so obvious. 

I wanted so many answers but my voice seemed to be disconnected to the rest of me. I wanted to beg him to tell me everything, to scream in Mr Black's face, but nothing escaped from the whole in my face, my so called mouth.

Sam seemed to understand and didn't comment on how stupid I must have looked with my mouth hanging wide open, instead he turned me to face him.

"I killed my mother, I deserve to be punished, he does it to make me pay for what I did." The way Sam said it so calmly with no compassion. 

To be abused was punishment for him killing his mother. What the hell, I had been told by my own parents that Sam's mother had left because she wasn't ready for a family and she was having problems coping with his father.

To my knowledge Sam's mother was very much alive.

"Sam, you didn't kill your mom.." I didn't know how to tell him that his mother was alive, I didn't know how to change his life...

"I know that." Sam said his face expressionless.

"WHAT??" OK now I was confused why the hell was Sam so confused.

"She is dead to me, Summer, she left us because of me, I drove her away, I ruined our lives and now Ive ruined yours." Sam's shoulders began to shake and he began to cry uncontrollably. 

"Sam, Sam, SAM!!!" I grasped a sobbing Sam forcing him to look at me.

"This is not your freaking fault, your dad is a liar and a monster. What has happened to you isn't normal and you should never have had to live through this, you..." I couldn't go on. 

Slowly I was beginning to understand how much pain and hurt Sam had been going through.

Imagine being told it was your fault for loosing your own mother, for being beaten for your because of it.

I took Sam in my arms and we both cried both consumed by our own regret that things had turned out like this.

My fingers stoked all the scars that covered Sam's body, his poor broken body.

Suddenly my phone began to ring and Evenesense's "Broken" began playing. The haunting tune echoing through my room.

"‘Cause I'm broken when I'm open 

And I don't feel like I am strong enough 

‘Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome 

And I don't feel right when you're gone away " 

The words seemed so freaking perfect for our moment, it described how I felt , how Sam felt how our lives were, BROKEN...



Love ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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