Sam's POV

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I slept very badly that night, the huge cut on my thigh made it impossible for me to lie on my side without causing more blood to gush out of my leg and the bruises on my stomach and back made it freaking sore to sleep on either my front or back.

My dreams were haunted with Summer but these weren't normal dreams these were freaking nightmares.

I saw her with her throat slip open with a knife her mouth filling with blood as she struggled to breathe.

I saw her with a rope tied tightly round her neck my dad laughing as she hung limp in the air.

I saw her in a vast deep blue ocean her hair floating around her like a mermaids as she drowned in the murky water. 

All though out the dreams I could hear only one voice , "Bad Boy, Bad Boy Sam, you killed her, you ruined everything, its all your fault." My dad taunted.

Then I heard another voice, her voice, she sounded lost and scared, "Sam, Sam, Sam wake up."

Someone tugged at my shoulders shaking me gently. 

I opened my eyes slowly, I saw Summer standing above my bed, she looked terrified and she seemed to be crying. 

Was I still dreaming, I pinched myself, OK  it was all real but if I was really awake then why did Summer looked so scared.

"What is it??" I whispered, worried my dad would hear.

"You were..and I was...but then..." She stuttered obviously not sure what to say.

Then her eyes went cloudy again and she began to cry again. I reached up and wrapped my arms around her.Pulling her down onto the bed beside me.

Her body was freezing cold even though the night was unusually warm. I pressed her against my bare chest in hope to warm her up.

Her tears were oddly cool on my skin and hair hair smelt of cherries just like her lips.

"Summer what is wrong?" I asked, if something had upset her this much I wanted to know what it was.

She pulled back slightly and pointed towards me. I looked down, crap.

I wasn't wearing a top and I had on only my boxers. The nights had been hot and I didn't need anything else to keep me warm but my lack of clothes also revealed all the new bruises my father had given me and a lot of old scars.

She leaned in to me and ran her fingers down a particularly large scar than ran from my chest to just above my hip.

She looked like she was going to be sick but her eyes were filled with sadness and horror as she continued to inspect my body.

"Sam, what happened to your mom??" she asked her voice barely audible.

I sat back against the wall I had expected her to ask how I got the marks and bruises not about my mom.

But I guess she deserved to know...



Love ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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