Sam's POV

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I could smell him before I could see him.

The smell of strong cheap whiskey stung my eyes. 

I could feel my heart racing I knew what coming, everyday it was the same. 

But I deserved it right ??? I mean you would deserve to be punished for driving your own mother away.

It was my fault she left, she could cope with having a child. She had been a young, independent spirit but I had help her back.

It was like an elastic band effect I had forced her to stretch to far and it had totally backfired on me as she left me alone with my father.

It was my fault and my dad will never let me forget that.

"Sam, is that you," my dad slurred, the words falling off his tongue.

Great I sighed, he was defiantly drunk and that was not good news to me.

Drunk meant he was angry or pissed off.

Drunk meant it should be scared.

Drunk meant he was going to hit me...Again.

"Sam!!!" my father was angry now and I ran into to see him, my heart pounding.

"Ye..Ye.Yes," I stuttered, shaking with fear inside.

I repeat inside. I had learned the hard way that showing fear just made him hit ten times harder. 

He loved nothing more to see my cry and mocked the terror in my eyes. 

As I entered the room I knew not to look at him, instead I lowered my eyes to the floor.

My father smiled at me, and laughed as he spotted y shaking hands.

"You've been a bad boy Sam," my father tutted his teeth making hideous clicking sound.

"You've been a very, very naughty boy Sam and I need to punish you," 

"You deserve to be punished don't you??"  He asked.

I nodded not making a sound. 

"Well hold still bad boy its time to make you pay for ruining my life and sending the best thing in my life away." he stepped closer to me his foul smelling breath was even worse up close but I was used to it by now.

I closed my eyes waiting for the impact, I thought about the same thing as always Summer. 

Picturing her face was the only way I could get through the the pain.

Her beautiful face was all I saw as my father smashed his hands I to my face.

Her happy laugh was all I heard as my father pounded my body with his fists.

Summer made everything disappear and for a second or two I could forget.

My father was just going in for round three when we heard the door slam.

Summer was back.

My father leaped away from me holding his fingers to his lips, daring me not to speak.

"Hello, anyone home??" she called out. 

My dad shoved me hard toward the doors, I tripped an fell had on the wooden floor. 

I cursed loudly and heard Summer sigh.

"Summer," I called as she was about to head upstairs.

SAM!!" she shouted and ran up to her hand gently touching my now huge swollen black eye.

"What the freak happened??" she asked concern filling her eyes.

I noticed outof the corner of my good eye my fathr had come to see the scene he glared and me sending a silent message forbidding me to say what happened.

Usually my dad was god, very good.

He made sure to hit only in places where the bruises and cuts would not easily been seen.

But he was drunker tonight and  he had slipped up, I had a huge black eye and everyone could it.

"Sam what happend??" Summer asked again.

I laughed softy, as if she didn't know.

She never said anything but I knew Summer knew hat my dad did to me. In fact I'm sure she even laughs about it with him.

"It's nothing." I said under my breath and pushed past her to go up to my room.

Stupid Sam, bad Sam why did I think she would have cared, She was just like everyone else I knew, they didn't love me or care, I was just a problem i their lives and eventually Summer would get fed up to.

Then like every one else she would leave...



Love ya xxxxxxx

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