Welcome to Hyrule! (NOT.)

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Nintendo World's Oceans, somewhere between Pokémonland and Hyrule:

"So how much farther is it to Elf-World? Assuming it really exists, that is?" Ash groaned from where he was sprawled out behind Rose on Blastoise's shell.

"I don't know. Seeing as how big Pokémonland is, you have to remember that there's five points that size. And each point's landmass doesn't go all the way to the inside edge of each triangle-shaped point, so there's a bunch of ocean before you get to the center ocean area, and then a bunch more between us and each point. And Hyrule is on the other side of the Dreamland point from us. That was the point we passed several days ago that we saw way, way off in the distance. So, since it took us several days to get that far, we should be seeing the Hyrule coast anytime now," she calculated out loud. "It would've taken even longer, if it weren't for the fact that both of our Pokémon have been trained by a TM to swim extra-super-fast."

"You're just as boring as the Prof, and not even one-fourth as talented," Ash yawned, using the bill of his cap to shield his eyes from the mid-morning sun.

Rolling her eyes, Rose replied, "Thanks, Ash. I love your enthusiasm for this adventure."

"That's what I'm here for, Rosie," Ash shrugged, then sighed shortly, "Dwee, please stop trying to take my cap."

"Dwee," Deedee glared at him as he relinquished his grip on the cap and then kicked the side of Ash's face. Ash glared at him in reply and crossed his eyes at the little monster. I only want the hat to try to display my royalty to whatever peasants we meet next, peasant boy, Deedee thought as he turned his nose up in the air.

"Seriously, I wonder how his point puts up with him. Supposedly Waddle Dee are servants, and he likes to clean and stuff, but I have the feeling that no one could get him to do anything unless he just wanted to," Rose muttered, then pulled the one in discussion into her arms. "C'mere, Dwee. If we have to put up with you, I at least get to hug you."

Deedee glared out at the universe, resigned to his fate of being snuggled for awhile. Why do I put up with this? How humiliating. How can I help my dashing good looks?

Suddenly, Rose dropped him out of her arms and onto Blastoise's shell. He turned to kick her, (how dare she treat him so?!?) but then noticed the look of excitement on her face.

Grinning, she exclaimed, "Sorry, Dwee. But look! There's Hyrule! Well, if the map's right, that is."

Ash instantly sat up. "That's definitely land over there. 'Bout time we get to get back on land. I've had enough time on the ocean to last a lifetime."

"Sorry, Ashy. We're gonna have to travel from here to the other points, too, you know," Rose smirked at him.

"And I thought I was gonna get a nice, relaxing winter vacation. At least it's warm out here," Ash muttered, crossing his arms in irritation.

"Pika," Pikachu agreed with an aggravated toss of his little yellow head. He and Deedee had been the biggest cause of dissension on this expedition; they didn't get along very well at all.

As soon as they reached the beach, Ash called Blastoise back into his Pokéball. "Take a break, buddy," he said to the Pokémon compassionately. "You've earned it."

Rose stretched and tried to get used to walking around on land again. The most movement she'd really done the past several days was to swim from one Pokémon to another whenever they switched. She felt something land on her head as Dwee took his usual position. He seemed to spend most of his time either on her head or bothering somebody. "Well, Dwee. Are you ready to see some Elves? Assuming we really are in Hyrule?" Rose asked excitedly.

Heroes of Dreamland, Book 3: The World of Nintendo (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now