We're Not the Only Ones Out There, Rose

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Pokémonland, Oak's Coastal Research Center:

Rose sat in the wooden kitchen chair she had brought down from upstairs, trying to stay awake. Oak had eventually found the book he was looking for after they had fought a great battle against her PokéNet connection, but it had been in a different language. A language that the Prof could read, if he took his time, but it just looked like a bunch of swirly lines to her. So, therefore, they hadn't learned much so far.

"Here we go!" he now finally shouted excitedly.

She sprang out of her chair and came over. "What's it?" she asked with a grin.

"Well, look. There's our little friend here," he said, pointing to a drawing of a creature that looked like her Dwee. "And, sure enough, he's a Waddle Dee. Says they're typically servants."

"Ohmigosh, what's that one?" she squealed, pointing to a drawing of a creature similar to Dwee. But this one had a mouth and a different face shape. "It's so cute! Ohmigosh, I want one!"

Oak looked at her, bemused. "Says that's a Star Warrior. A kind of brave hero. Probably wouldn't take as kindly to your appreciation of its adorableness as our Waddle Dee does."

"Drat," she muttered, crossing her arms.

Oak flipped the page, and on this page were people that looked kind of like themselves, but were really different at the same time. "They look like characters out of a fairytale. Look at how small their eyes are. And look at their ears," Rose commented, pointing to how said ears came to a point.

"Hmm. These are... Elves," Oak said slowly as he translated.

"So, all of these creatures are somewhere here in Pokémonland?" Rose gasped, amazed.

"No. It says that they're all on different... points. I'm not sure what a 'point' is, though, or how Waddle Dee got here," the Professor replied.

"Keep reading. This is cool," Rose ordered, bouncing up and down on her toes behind his desk chair.

"All right." Oak flipped the page again. On this page were a few people, some turtles, some mushrooms, and weird critters that looked like toadstool people. "The book also says that Waddle Dee came from the Dreamland point, that the Elves are from the Hyrule point, and that these critters are from the Mushroom Kingdom point. If I'm translating correctly, of course. The Ancients used a different language from ours, as I'm sure you've noticed."

"The Ancients? Oak, you know as well as I do that the Ancients are just a myth," Rose snorted.

"Not true, Rose. Not true. The Ancients really did form our world, a long time ago. We just don't know that much about them," Prof Oak corrected her. "I've only flipped through this book a few times, but I decided it was important enough to scan and add to the digital library."

"But we still don't know what a 'point' is. Or why Dwee is here."

Deedee suddenly woke up for a moment from where he was sleeping on a windowsill and air-hopped over, looking at the screen. He suddenly tapped a piece of the screen, then went back to his windowsill and went back to sleep.

Rose gasped as she looked at what Deedee had pointed to. "Prof, look there!"


"There! In the corner of the page. It says... Rose," she murmured, surprised.

"So it does. It must be a coincidence, however. I mean, after all-"

Ignoring him, Rose began to read the text printed next to her name. It wasn't in her language, but she somehow knew what it said. "I am the non-hero from Pokémonland. I hereby swear to protect Nintendo World, even if it means my life?" she read in a bit of a scared voice.

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