Atlantis: The Lost Empire (headcanons, i guess)

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(this is exactly what you think it is)

Keith would be Milo Thatch, except more conspiracy-theory-y and angry. "ATLANTIS IS REAL, FUCK YOU!"

Lance would be Kida (the girl because Klance, right??? And I want that part where: "L-Lance?? W-what are you doing?" "You can swim, can you not?" "Yeah, I can swim pretty boy... I-I mean good. Swim pretty good.")

Pidge would be Audrey, full on Audrey. You can see that, right? (She was the girl with the engines who was really sassy and awesome. "I used to take lunch money from guys like this.")

Coran would be Cookie. You can see that, right? lol

Hunk would be Sweet, amirite?

Haggar would be Helga and Zarkon would be Rourke.

I dunno about Shiro... You guys can come up with that one. Maybe the King? I dunno.

The demolitionist is fine.

Mole is okay, too, I guess. I can't come up with any of those guys lol.

Sorry that the only time I updated in a while is this trash. XD I'm trying.

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