First Kiss

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Keith ran after the blue paladin, who had just raced into a closing door in the Galra mothership.

"Keith, no!" Shiro, Hunk, and Pidge shouted through their comms, which Keith ignored, continuing to chase after Lance and sliding under the door that was about two feet off of the ground.

Keith stood up, hearing the grim sound of the door closing behind him, and went to go after Lance.

"Lance?" Keith shouted. He heard the sound of gunshots, so he ran towards where the sound had originated from. "Lance!"

He ran down the metal corridor, turning a sharp corner and nearly slamming against a wall, but he composed himself and kept searching for Lance. He found him running down another corridor, getting chased by Galra, their rhythmic running in sync. Keith pulled out his bayard and attacked the Galra from behind, helping Lance, who had tripped and fallen, and was now shooting at the Galra from the floor.

Robot parts were lying unceremoniously on the floor, the wires snapped in half and electricity buzzing around the ends as Keith offered his hand to help Lance up. Lance accepted his hand, and Keith pulled him to his feet.

"Thanks," Lance told him, standing up and revoking his hand from Keith's.

"Anytime," Keith replied.

"About earlier-" Lance had called Keith many unpleasant names, causing Keith to slap him, and for both of them to get yelled at by Shiro, using his Dad Voice™. Keith listened for more rhythmic marching after silencing the blue paladin. Sure enough, he heard the in-sync footsteps.

"No time for that," Keith told him, grabbing his wrist and pulling him along. "Run now, apologies later."

They sprinted down the hallway, going through a door that opened for them to get away from the Galra who were chasing them. Upon entering, the red and blue paladins had found themselves surrounded by Galra soldiers, their guns trained on them. They heard the dark laugh of Zarkon, and knew they were done for. They tried to fight, taking out several soldiers, before they were disarmed of their bayards, which skidded across the floor.

"Keith, thanks for following me when no one else did, although we were doomed in the end," Lance said.

"You're welcome," Keith responded. "I'm sorry for slapping you."

"It's okay, I was practically asking for it," Lance told him. "Hey, can I try something? Thinking this is the last thing we'll ever do, want to give it a try?"


Before Keith knew it, he felt something warm pressed against his lips. He soon realized that they were Lance's lips. Lance was kissing him. He ceded into the warm feeling he felt, closing his eyes and kissing back.

Lance pulled away with a slight, sad smile, which Keith returned. Then, the room became dark with smoke, and the paladins felt their arms getting pulled toward somewhere. They got out of the room, and saw that Pidge and Hunk were dragging them. They let go and began running away, toward their lions and the castle. Lance and Keith immediately followed them, catching up after no time. Hunk gave them back their bayards.

"You're welcome!" Pidge shouted over the sirens that began blaring, echoing against the metal walls.

"We've got your backs, guys!" Hunk yelled as well.

They ran out to the castle and the lions, greeting Shiro, Allura, and Coran, then ran in and did a quick wormhole jump.

"So, about what happened in there..." Keith began. "Did you mean it?"

Lance looked around for Hunk, Pidge, or the rest of the crew. There was no one in sight. "Yeah. I really did. Did you?"


"So, does this make us..." Lance paused.

"I don't know," Keith responded. "We could be what you want us to be."

"Space boyfriends?"

"Is it necessary to put 'Space' in there?" Keith rose a skeptical eyebrow, but wore an amused grin.


"Then, fine, we can be space boyfriends."

Lance grinned and kissed Keith on his cheek before going off to his room to do Lance things. Hint: Lots of dancing was involved, and some Shakira songs might've been sung.

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