Movie Theater

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Modern AU

It had taken Lance a lot of mustered up confidence and pep talks from his best friend Hunk to ask out one of the hottest guys in the school, Keith. Although he had a mullet, and he was better than Lance at almost everything he tried, Lance was head-over-heels for him.

After very nervously asking him on a date, Keith blushed and nodded, saying that it would be great. It had actually worked.

"What do I do now?!" Lance freaked out to Hunk. "I never thought that I'd get this far!"

"Well, if someone asked you on a date, where would you go?" Hunk asked his panicked friend.

"Umm, the movie theater, probably." There the answer was.

"Well, there you go, take him to a movie, buy him some popcorn," Hunk told him. "When you get bold enough, wrap your arm around him. He'd dig that."

"You think so?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, it works in movies, doesn't it?"

"Well, yeah."

"Boom. See, you're all clear."

"O-okay," Lance said. "I really hope Keith will like this."

"Believe me, he will."

"Should I get him some flowers, too?"

"I don't see why not," Hunk shrugged. "Do you have enough money?"

"Well, the thing is, I was hoping to borrow from you," Lance told him.

Hunk rolled his eyes with a huff and reached into his back pocket for his wallet to lend money to his friend.

- - - - -

"Thank you for the flowers, Lance, they're really pretty," Keith told Lance as they walked to the movie theater. "It's our first date and you're already spoiling me!"

"It's really no problem," Lance replied, raveling his fingers into Keith's.

They both blushed as they held each other's hand. Keith was surprised that Lance would make a move so early in their date. Lance was equally surprised with himself, too.

They walked into the theater, buying tickets to Moana and buying some popcorn and soda. Keith offered to pay, but Lance denied, saying that he was the one to ask Keith out, so he would be the one paying.

They found their seats in the center row, right in the middle of the row so they could have the perfect view of the screen.

The popcorn sat on Keith's lap as the previews ended, the movie beginning.

It was pretty good, but Lance wasn't exactly watching the movie. He was contemplating whether it was the time to wrap his arm around Keith yet. He finally mustered enough confidence and began to reach around Keith's shoulders, but Keith looked over at him and he played it off as if he was stretching. Keith, obviously knowing what Lance was trying to do, waited until Lance was not nervous anymore.

After a few attempts and revoking his arm out of fear of rejection, Keith still waited for Lance to make The Move™. Lance's anxiety was high now; he was bouncing his knee slightly and tapping his fingers on the armrest that held his soda. Keith looked over at him in anticipation, pretending that he didn't notice all of Lance's attempts and that he was watching the movie the whole time.

He decided to try one more time, but he revoked his arm at the last second. Keith, rolling his eyes in exasperation, took Lance's arm and pulled it around himself, leaning into Lance's body. Lance was beet-red, but, fortunately, it was too dark in the theater to notice. They watched the rest of the movie, occasionally looking over at each other.

When it ended (it was good by the way), Lance walked Keith back home, after retrieving his flowers from the cash register. As they stood by Keith's doorway, Keith pecked Lance's cheek, causing him to flush bright red.

"Thank you, Lance," Keith smiled, nervously tucking a strand of stray, raven hair behind his ear. "By the way, you don't have to be nervous about putting your arm around me. Although it was kinda cute, it's okay. I won't bite."

He winked at him before walking back inside, leaving a red, speechless Lance outside, clutching his cheek where Keith has kissed him.

Lance then giddily walked, well, more skipped, home, ready to explain in highly exaggerated detail the events of their first date.

A/N Hunk is the ultimate wingman, don't you think??? Lol I love them all they're so cute

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