Scary Movies

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Modern AU

"Which one should we watch first?" Pidge asked, digging through the pile of movies on the floor.

"Um, how about that Sinister one?" Keith asked, already eating the popcorn in the bowl that sat on the arm of the couch.

"Sure," Shiro shrugged. "I've already seen that one, but okay. It wasn't too scary."

Lance huffed, "No scary movie is scary to me! My family and I used to watch these all the time, and I never even jumped once!"

Keith rolled his eyes, tossing another few popcorn kernels in his mouth. After he chewed and swallowed the food, he opened his mouth to say something, but Shiro shook his head and whispered to him, "Let him have his glory for now, in about ten minutes he'll be shivering and huddling beneath the blanket." Keith nodded, smirking to himself.

Pidge put the movie in, and it was pretty boring to start with. Keith practically hogged the popcorn as Shiro and Hunk munched on a meatball sub. After a while, the main guy had found the videos in the attic, and Hunk said, "Nope, nope, nope. I'm going to do something else."

"Alright," Shiro shrugged, taking a bite of his meatball sandwich.

"You idiot!" Keith shouted at the screen. "Why the fuck would you do that? You're gonna die." Keith looked over at Lance to see his reaction and, sure enough, he was shivering slightly, with that scared expression on his face. "You scared, McClain?"

"N-no, I'm fine, this is nothing compared to the other ones I've seen," Lance lied.

"Okay, Lance," Keith smirked, popping another few kernels of popcorn into his mouth. "Whatever you say."

"Shut up, I'm trying to watch the movie," Pidge told the two boys, pushing a sleeping Allura off of their shoulders and lap.

A jump scare occurred, causing Lance to emit an undignified shriek, jolting up onto Keith. Keith, out of instinct, wrapped his arms around Lance and held him close to him as Lance buried his face into Keith's shirt.

"'I've never even jumped once'," Keith mocked, in a voice a few octaves higher than his own. "How's that for a jump scare, Mr. 'No-scary-movie-is-scary-to-me'?"

"Shut up, Keith," Lance told him, curling into his boyfriend.

Keith smiled and held him closer, secretly enjoying it. He thought the movie was stupid, to be honest. The plot was okay, but it wasn't too scary. It was better thought-out than lots of other horror movies in the pile. He ate more popcorn, watching the not-very-scary movie.

Eventually, the movie ended and the end credits rolled down the screen.

"I knew he was going to die, he was really stupid." Keith pushed the nearly-empty bowl, which once held popcorn, but now held the golden uncooked popcorn kernels, off of his lap. Lance had fallen asleep on him about twenty minutes ago, and Keith smiled down at the sight.

"I've seen this movie before, so I knew he was going to die," Shiro said.

"It was all right, I guess," Pidge shrugged.

"Well, Lance and I are going to call it a night," Keith told his friends. "We'll see you tomorrow." Keith shook Lance until he woke, helping him up.

"Good night, everybody," Lance said sleepily as they neared the door.

"Night, guys," Shiro and Pidge responded.

The two boys got into Keith's red car, Lance nearly falling asleep again on the car ride home. They walked into Keith's apartment and snuggled into bed.

"I wasn't really scared, you know," Lance told Keith, after kissing his lips a few times.

"Sure you weren't, Lance," Keith replied sarcastically.

"I wasn't!" Lance defended. "I only pretended to be scared."

"Lance, you don't have to lie, you know," Keith responded. "It's fine that you were scared. I enjoyed cuddling you."

"I wasn't," Lance grumbled.

"Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, Lance," Keith said, kissing the brown-haired boy once more before turning over on their bed and pulling on the string that hung on the lamp. "Good night."

"Good night."

Lance had nightmares the next two nights.

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