Dinner With the Paladins and Lance's Family

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(After the Zarkon-thing is over)

After defeating Zarkon, Voltron happened to be a part-time job, which meant they could go back home. Lance invited the paladins over to his house for dinner, which his mom was happy to do, since it was the least she could do for them, since they had saved Lance in several occasions.

The story, at first, was hard for Lance to explain to his mother. It went along the lines of, "Hey Mama, I know I've been gone for, like, a year, after disappearing from the Garrison and driving off a cliff on a motorcycle, but I'm okay. I've just been in space, protecting the universe from an evil guy named Zarkon with a giant robot made up of five robot lions. This is my boyfriend, Keith, you know Hunk, this is Pidge, Shiro, and Allura and the old guy with the mustache is Coran."

It was hard to believe (imagine that), but Shiro had let him prove it by showing her his lion, Blue. She believed him then. Lance asked her if they could stay for dinner, and she said yes, they needed some time to explain and catch up, since her son being a protector of the universe was a lot to take in.

His dad had been overjoyed that Lance wasn't dead, but said he was grounded if that ever happened again. Lance just smiled and hugged his parents. A few tears may or may have not been shed. Lance would never admit to it, anyways, curse his pride.

His siblings had been pretty happy at Lance's return, as well. They all thought he was dead, ever since they saw the 'Missing' forecasts on the news. Soon, it was time for dinner, and everyone sat down to eat. After an explanation and a half, and no one touching their food, they gave a blessing, then began to eat.

"Hey, daddy, can you pass the salt?" Lance asked.

Three people reached for it, and those included Lance's dad, Shiro, and Keith.

"Okay, what the hell, Lance?" His dad gave him The Look™.

"Shiro, why did you reach for it?" Lance asked.

"Because I'm the Space Dad™! Don't act like you haven't called me that before. After a year of being in space, and being called 'Space Dad™', I've got used to it. The actual question is, why did you reach for it, Keith?"

Keith's eyes widened and his face reddened. "Umm..."

Lance was wearing the same expression as Keith was, especially since everyone's eyes were on him.

"Um, yeah, funny story-"

"You know, I don't even want to know," his dad dismissed, passing him the salt.

It was then awkward for everyone, and whenever Keith was in Lance's room alone with him, the door had to remain open.

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