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Keith stood on his balcony, letting the cool night breeze envelop him in a state of tranquility, which bit pleasantly at his exposed skin, and rushed through his raven hair as leaned against the railing and looking up at the sparkling sea of stars that dotted the night sky, twinkling like diamonds in a pool of water in a dark cave. He connected the dots, making his own constellations and identifying official ones before he heard a voice calling up to him from the ground, saying, "Lady, by yonder blessed moon I swear that tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops-"

Keith looked down at the ground to see who spoke, and a smile graced his lips when he saw it was Lance, with a goofy smile on his face, pleased with himself for his cleverness of quoting Romeo and Juliet while he stood upon his balcony.

"'O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?'" Keith joined in, his expression not changing.

"I am right here, my dearest," Lance replied, mockingly poetic. "And, for you, I have brought a tulip." He held up a red rose in his hand, as if to offer it to Keith from all the way down there.

"Lance, that's a rose," Keith told him.

"What's in a name?" Lance quoted. "A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet."

"Lance, that's supposed to be my line."

"I never read it or saw the movie, anyways," Lance shrugged. "I'm actually surprised that I got this far."

"You're such a dork," Keith laughed.

"Well, you joined in on it, too!" Lance defended, putting his hands on his hips playfully.

"That is true," Keith responded, laughing again. "What now? Are you going to serenade me while I stand on my balcony?

"Well, sure, if you want to hear me sing," Lance said.

Keith's eyes widened. "Okay, never mind, I'm coming down. Hang tight."

"Okay," Lance said as Keith ran inside, down the stairs, and out the front door, meeting him out in the yard. "Hey, babe, how are you doing?"

"Fine, you?"

"Good," Lance told his boyfriend, handing him the rose, which Keith smiled at.

"You're such a sap," Keith smiled at him, putting the rose under his nose to take a whiff of the red flower.

"But I'm your sap."


"Hey, I put in a lot of work memorizing those play lines, and waiting until you came out to your balcony!" Lance feigned a pout, which made Keith laugh. "So, do you wanna go to dinner, or stay in?"

"Dinner sounds nice," Keith smiled. "Let me get in something more decent."

Keith was currently wearing his usual dark grey t-shirt and black skinny jeans, which looked fine to Lance.

"Nah, you look fine."

"Can I at least get a jacket?" the raven-haired boy asked.

"Sure," Lance shrugged.

"'Kay." Keith kissed Lance on his cheek before running back into his house.

The brunette boy flushed a slight pink, and it wasn't from the cold. Keith grabbed his favorite jacket, and, while he was inside, grabbed a tall glass out of the cupboard, filled it with tap water, and put the rose in the glass. Keith came back out of his house with that stupid jacket of his, which made Lance grin, for he secretly liked it on him.

"Really?" Lance asked, low-key grateful. "Out of every jacket you own, you had to pick that one."

"You know it's my favorite, Lance."

"I know," Lance groaned in a defeated tone, and began to approach his car, Keith walking beside him. "So, where do you wanna eat?"

"I dunno, Taco Bell, maybe."

"You're so classy," Lance told him sarcastically.

"I try," Keith joked.

"Okay, that's probably one of the only places I can afford anyways."

Keith laughed again, and slid his hands into one of Lance's, which was dangling by his side. Lance smiled and intertwined their fingers, finally getting to the car. He walked around and held open the car door for him, which the raven rolled his eyes at.

"I'm not your princess, stop treating me like one."

"Well, you're as close as I can get."

"Hey!" Keith slugged Lance's shoulder, who laughed while rubbing the area where Keith had hit him.


"Well, you deserved it."

"I guess. Let's go."

Keith got in the car, closing the door behind him as Lance walked back over to his side, getting in the car and starting it as he shut his car door, and began driving towards town to get to Taco Bell.

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