Baking Cookies

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I poured the flour, sugar, and water into the bowl, then collected the eggs and cracked them on the counter to open the shells and drop the contents into the bowl. I checked the batter for remnants of the egg shells before asking Keith to hand me the mixer.

"Umm, what's the mixer?" Keith asked.

I rolled my eyes. "The thing with the two metal thingies in it."

He held it up. "This thing?"

"Yes, yes, that's it." I grabbed it from him, kissed him on the temple, and plugged it in to the outlet. "Can you put some chocolate chips in this?"

"How many?"

"Two cups." He opened the cupboard and grabbed a glass. "What are you doing?"

"I'm getting a cup," he told me.

"No, Keithy baby, the measuring cup is right here." I held up the measuring cup in my hand to put emphasis on it.

"Oh," he said. "Sorry, I haven't cooked before."

"It's all right, babe, I'm teaching ya." I poured the chocolate chips into the measuring cup to the two-cup-mark, then dumped the contents into the bowl. "See?"

"Uhh, yeah, I guess," Keith shrugged.

"Good." I put the mixer in the bowl, then switched it on, stirring around the ingredients until the contents of the bowl became a mix of a smooth tan substance and brown clumps, the perfect chocolate chip cookie batter. "Wanna try?"

"Sure," Keith said, taking the mixer and moving it around in the bowl. "I think it's done."

"Yeah, looks pretty done to me," I replied.

Before I could say anything, and without him turning it off, he took the mixer out of the bowl, getting it everywhere.

"Whoops," he said, putting it back in the bowl and switching it off as fast as he could. "Sorry."

"It's all right, we can clean this up," I told him. The oven beeped, telling us that it was preheated. I took the bowl and the cookie sheet and began scooping the batter out of it with a spoon. "Make sure to space these out, or when they're baked, they will expand and meld together."

"Okay," he nodded. I gave him a smile before getting back to scooping the batter onto the cookie sheet. "How did you learn to do all this?"

"My mom taught me," I explained. "I have a pretty big family, and we all pitch in on the meals, so we all learned to cook as soon as we could hold a wooden spoon." Keith hummed in response as I finished off the rest of the batter. "Hey, could you open the oven for me, bebe oso?"

"Sure." He opened the oven door for me, so I grabbed the tray and put it on the shelf in the oven.

Keith closed the door for me, and I turned on the timer, turning toward him and giving him a kiss on his nose.

About twenty minutes later, we took the cookies out of the oven and I put them on the cooling rack. They produced a very amazing smell, which made me want to eat them right away, but I knew they had to cool down a little before we could, which I told Keith.

They had cooled, and we were eating a couple. "Good, huh?"

"Yeah, they are," Keith said.

"Maybe, if I teach you, you will be able to make these by yourself," I told him.

"Nah, I like cooking with you."

"Hey! Being a sap is my job!"

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